party boat new project !

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by ericrunner, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. ericrunner
    Joined: Sep 2010
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    ericrunner Junior Member

    After the Pon-Doo build i have decided to try a real boat ! Just got my hands on a 1972 silverton 27 x 11 the mechanic is A1 and its very solid and heavy as hell ! So i pretty much threw everything away :D here is a hint on whats to come :idea: jacuzzi in the nose of the boat ,home brewed side thruster, extend the second floor so i can sit 10 people at the table upstairs , bigger kitchen area on the back of the boat , big bbq , stereo , led lights all around and inside the cabine lounge style will be a flat screen , full size gas fridge , glass shower with toilet integrated inside and a full size bed . Driving is from the flying bridge only . Ho and lets not forget the pirate flag ;) pics to come soon
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  2. FMS
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    FMS Senior Member

    A jacuzzi near the bow will add a considerable amount of weight. Test the trim and handling with test weights first.
  3. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I'm sure we'll read about your capsize in the papers.
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    OFFSHORE GINGER Junior Member

    LOL ................Good one .
  5. FMS
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  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The Schumer incident, was precisely what I was thinking, when I posted previously.
  7. ericrunner
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    ericrunner Junior Member

    like always people say no it cant be done well once again i will make this work ;) it was the same story with the pon doo ! If i afto make a trimaran out of it to make it work i will :p its a big boat im shure it will be fine for slow cruising . Its to late now i ordered the spa so no backing down now. Its not going to be on top of the nose of the boat , im cutting to fit it in
  8. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

  9. Batchief41
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    Batchief41 New Member

    Eric runner, this is allen in Memphis TN USA. Read all your threads on building pontoon plan a and then saw short hit on plan B. I have access to a 22 ft pontoon almost brand new with no motor. I wanted to speak with you briefly about your plan B for the pontoon. I are sure there are pros to pushing versus pulling. Pushing with your set up takes some engineering and renovating. If I am reading this right plan b was to pull the pontoon from the front using a A frame type arm to steady the pontoon away from the jet ski and provide better steer control? I understand your privacy but if you can email me at or call me I would appreciate it. Thx Allen.
  10. boat fan
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    boat fan Senior Member

    Weight is still weight.

    If you can get enough displacement up forward , it could be done , but
    Pontoons are at a distinct disadvantage there....... a third hull may do it.

    Do the sums first.
  11. ericrunner
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    ericrunner Junior Member

    Worked on the boat all summer super stucture is now completed a few change were made , in cabine is a large table sits 12 , rear deck is a full kitchen ,second floor fly bridge and very big sun deck and its a trimaran now ;)
  12. JCherubini2
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    JCherubini2 DianaOfBurlington

    I just feel sorry for the nice old Silverton 27 which would make a terrific restoration project. A good friend has one and it's a treasure.
  13. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Good craftsmanship and sheer determination cannot defeat the priciples of physics.

    Jacuzzi, 10 to 12 pasengers, full sized fridge, TV, substantial generator, a generous supply of strong beverage..............Lots of weight it would seem.
  14. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Lets not forget the 10 guest flybridge . . . yep, we'll read about this one in the papers. I just hope no one gets hurt, which unfortunately isn't usually the case.

  15. ericrunner
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    ericrunner Junior Member

    You guys make me laugh ! Its always like that creating , to many closed minds
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