Partial hydrofoil help

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Dusty, May 1, 2022.

  1. Dusty
    Joined: Jan 2022
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    Dusty New Member

    Looking for some of you more seasoned hydrofoil guys for a partial hydrofoil idea I've been thinking of. I have a imemsa 26ba panga from Mexico that has a nasty wet ride in confused seas. The BA just means it is a high side boat. I regularly take this boat 50 miles one way offshore. I was thinking of adding a custom outboard hydrofoil kind of like the one Chris Maas is designing for the Matanzas 29 cat or even a simple T Foil. The foil would only be there for little more speed and assist in planing without trim tabs. The biggest ask is I am looking for someone to reverse engineer or design a new way of reduced pounding like the Australian guy did with his waverider boats. It looks to me like it is old school "fish" like they use in the commercial fishing industry. Any ideas, constructive criticism, or just telling me it is a stupid idea is welcome. I have been watching this forum for years and I know the caliber of brain power in here. So if anyone can figure it out it would be someone in here. Thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to your ideas. Posted below are a couple links to mustache foil and Waverider boats.

    The Efficiency of a Foiling Powercat - Professional BoatBuilder Magazine

    Hydrofoils - Waverider Boats
  2. ziper1221
    Joined: May 2018
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    ziper1221 Junior Member

    I would suggest getting a copy of "Hydrofoils: Design, build, fly" by Ray Vellinga.
  3. Dusty
    Joined: Jan 2022
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    Dusty New Member

    I have a copy of it already, although the math isn't that hard there are a lot of little things to think about. It also doesn't help with the bow foils, because they really wouldn't generate lift. It would basically be a type of flopper stopper but on a adjustable mast for trailering.
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