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sovereign 17 ft moulds wanted

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by colfair, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. colfair
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    colfair New Member

    Greetings to all, I'm looking to buy moulds for a sovereign 17ft sportsman any info on location would be gratefully accepted,

    Also looking for moulds for a stevens searider 25f:t cruiser (ANY info welcomed) Many thanks in advance, Colin :)
  2. blacktipinc
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    blacktipinc Junior Member

    are you looking for sail boat molds or center console fishing style boats?
  3. colfair
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    colfair New Member


    Hi, thanks for reading my post, unfortunately the Sovereign 17 i'm refering to is a powerboat made in the UK by a company called Poole Power Boats and shortly after this boat was made they renamed the range into the now world famous 'Sunseeker' range so everyone knows 'sunseeker' but no one has heard of 'sovereign'.
    But, Big thanks for reading and bothering to try and help, it's appreciated.
  4. Peteattheshed
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    Peteattheshed New Member

    Hello Colin.

    I have the moulds for the searider 21 we bought from Liverpool a few years ago, I was told that the 25 was originally made by stretching the 21. The moulds surfaces are in good condition considering there age and we plan to make set of mouldings for a a 21 for a custmer shortly, we have other boats we produce so not sure of our long term plans for the 21 moulds. If interested send me an email.

  5. Timbod
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    Timbod New Member

    I have just joined the group and found your post.i have a sunseeker sovereign 17 with a day cabin,if I can be of any help please contact me.

  6. colfair
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    colfair New Member


    Hi to bod, apologies for the delay in replying, I have a sovereign 17ft sportsman with the day cab too, mine has the Volvo penta engine/drive . It is currenly out of the water awaiting a full rewire, how is yours? I'm up in Llandudno , i see you are in the brum area, where do you use your boat? I'll. Try to post sone pics when I get back from Norfolk on Saturday, regards, colin
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