Paint Systems in China

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Willallison, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Willallison
    Joined: Oct 2001
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    Willallison Senior Member

    Can anyone advise me which recognised, high quality paint brands are readily available in China?
    I have received a quote for a build there, but the paint component is several times what it would cost here in Oz...
    The boat itself is a combination of aluminium and composites
  2. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    I hope you have done you home work !!

    Are you thinking about getting a boat built in China ???
    Is it a reputable well known company ??
    Does it have a life time comprehensive complete replacement warranty period ??
    Have you seen the quality of the boat you are intending to buy ???
    Have you been and seen the people you are dealling with ????
    Have you arranged to see the boat at various stages as its being built ?? (Take a good camaera with you and dont be afraid to use it )
    Have you arranged to come here and spend time and go over the boat with a fine toothed comb as to the quality of finishing and mounting of equipment on and within the boat ??
    Do you have a really good insurance company that you trust ??
    If you dont !,
    or havent !
    , or cant answer truthfully all those questions , I will pray for you when next i am on my knees !!:(:eek:
  3. Willallison
    Joined: Oct 2001
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    Willallison Senior Member

    Given your "signature" (in red at the bottom of your post) you don't paint a very encouraging picture of your new home!;)
    But in answer to your question... yes, we are doing our homework... the question about paint is part of it.....
  4. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    I am here to make sure the company i work for does their job properly to protect not only themselves for there future but for people like you that want to buy chinese manufactured boats and get what you understand you are payng for .
    I have a friend thats a full time marine surveyer and are in the throws of putting together a massive law suit on a big boat on this very subject !!.
    I spent the day with one of your fello country men and we went looking at boats in general in a really big marina . Was very interesting afternoon . :D

    Have you thought about employing a very trusted person that will not be swayed in any way shape of form to keep an eagle eye on what is happening during every step of the making of your boats ,even to the point of taking samples of all resins ,glues ,and materials on a regular basis every working day they work ?? Plus recording and reporting weather conditions humidities and tempratures etc etc Specially if you are dealling with Composities . He better be a metal guru as well if you are having other types of materials in the same boat . And if you are doing what i think you are doing you better make sure its done properly and they completely understand ther reasoning why .
    Safe guards and covering one *** is what its all about . If you are making boats and selling them on then be 110% of what you are getting yourself into !!
  5. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Some Paint manufactures are getting their products made here anyway so find out which ones and use their products . I have already been down this path 6 months ago with the company im working for !!:p
  6. Willallison
    Joined: Oct 2001
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    Willallison Senior Member

    I am acting on behalf of a client who is looking to build two vessels - one an 8m tender for his existing yacht and the 2nd is a 45+ metre motoryacht. The former will act as a lower risk introduction to the yard with a view to building the latter.
    There will be significant oversight in both instances for the very reasons you quite rightly point out.;)

    Any suggestions then? All I'm after is a couple of brand names....
  7. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    International paints !

  8. Willallison
    Joined: Oct 2001
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    Willallison Senior Member

    That was the one I specced originally - the builder said it had to come from the US and was extraordinarily expensive... Jotun was better, but not much.
    No matter... I'll get the builder to chase up suppliers... see what he can come up with... thanks
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