Painting woes - sanding my life away

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Jason Rodgers, Jun 23, 2024.

  1. Jason Rodgers
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    Jason Rodgers Junior Member

    I'm painting an area with more curves than a Miami bikini contest and can't spray it given location and circumstances. Repeated guide coat sanding shows that the roller covers are not cutting it with the Alexseal roll additive. The roller covers I have access to locally and tried are UniPro 9mm nap foam and fake mohair 5mm nap.

    Can anyone provide the brand name or a link to buy 3/16" nap foam rollers, especially in 2" widths.
  2. Howlandwoodworks
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    Howlandwoodworks Member

    Could be the conditions or the viscosity of finish. If it's too hot or dry the solvent will flash off to fast and will not lay down flat before it dries. Or the finish is to thick and you would will need to add the appropriate solvent to a specified flow in it's viscosity in seconds. You would need a viscosity cup, it is an instrument used to determine a fluid's thickness and flow resistance.
    Find the manufacturers recommendations for temp. humid and viscosity.
    Thickness could also be a factor and you would need a wet film thickness gauge comb.
    The roller thickness will determine the thickness of the wet film after you get all of the above to the manufacturer recommended.
    Just google viscosity cup and wet film thickness gauge comb, they are cheap and can make your finish look like great.

    Do what it says on the can or technical data sheet and it will do what it say on the can or technical data sheet.

    But most important, use appropriate respirator for the type of solvent you are using at all times. Partial use of a respirator has not proven to protect you from the harmful effects of a solvent. If you smell it while using a respirator replace the respirators cartridge.
    Keep a log of your mood for three days after usage of any solvent to see if you have any negative effect. Because a respirators has no gauge to tell you if it is still working.

    I know I just made paint harder than you wanted it to be.
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  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    my favorite rollers are not available anywhere

    the way to do it is to bandsaw a 9” roller into 4 pieces: make sure no oil is on the blade or bed, blow all cutting debris with air; trim/debur with knife

    the best roller I ever used


    Wound Foam Refill (3mm) (9.5" - 7.5") - Foam Rollers - Nour

    Sometimes after cutting down; they fit poorly on a smaller roller frame; use duct tape if needed to make the frame a bit larger as needed
  4. Jason Rodgers
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    Jason Rodgers Junior Member

    My background makes it easier, but results at times don't match the effort. On the bright side I have no traceable fingerprints.

    I've used a gauge comb on gelcoat, but avoided sticking one into poly to avoid blemishing...can you get enough sample points and not stuff the finish?

    The foam is producing a better surface finish, but the 9mm nap is too much in my hands to get a consistent 2 - 3 mils WFT on all these opposing curves. I heard there are 3/16th nap foams in 2" widths, but can't find them online.

    3M provides good respirator selection and replacement plan templates. Always shave on the morning to ensure respirator protection.
  5. Jason Rodgers
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    Jason Rodgers Junior Member

    Cheers for the link. I have done the same with West's epoxy rollers. I ended up cutting them with a bi-metal blade to avoid the contamination issue. Wish they had rounded-over cap-ends for the job at hand.
  6. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    I’ll make this brief ,

    use international perfection topcoat and if you follow the directions precisely - it comes out as good as spray job.

    use solvent resistant superfine foam rollers - you’ll have to order them in as I do.
    Don’t paint in direct sunlight or if it’s windy.
    Don’t paint if humidity above 70%.
    Apply the paint in very thin coats- dry film thickness should only be 37 microns ! You won’t get full hide in 1 or even 2 coats usually need 3 minimum .
    Once you apply/ roll out the paint, don’t touch it again after 5 mins or you’ll ruin it. Let the paint flow out by itself . The more you work it , the faster the solvent evaporates and the less it will self level. IMG_9860.jpeg
    fallguy likes this.
  7. Jason Rodgers
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    Jason Rodgers Junior Member

    Cheers Groper. What is the brand and product name of foam rollers you are using.
  8. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    CQ , Rollerboy Super fine Foam Roller 10Pk. We’re located in New Zealand so not sure whether they are available in your location
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  9. Jason Rodgers
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    Jason Rodgers Junior Member

    Exactly what I have been searching for - much appreciated.
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