Paint or Gel Coat?

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Andy Ahl, May 23, 2021.

  1. Andy Ahl
    Joined: May 2021
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    Andy Ahl New Member

    Help, I rescued my dad's old kayak I helped him build over 45 years ago. Generally in good shape but worn at the ends and a minor hole to patch. Interior has some dry rot I've firmed up and will continue to improve upon. I remember him getting some airplane fabric and heat shrinking that to fit the hull. I'm not really sure what he used to water seal the exterior but the paint now has slight glazing cracks throughout the surface, not really sure it will even hold water. Is there a preferred product I can use to reseal the finish or is it time to think about re-skinning it? I'm even thinking about the "Flex Seal" spray/paint stuff on TV but not sure it has a smooth enough surface needed to make this old girl glide through the water like it used to.
  2. Blueknarr
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Welcome the group.

    Three words


    It is impossible to provide correct advice without seeing the problems.
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I think that Andy might not yet be able to post photos to the Forum, as he has only just joined - I guess this is a way of trying to weed out those who only want to create spam posts.
    Andy, if you have some photos that you can easily email, I would be happy to post them on here for you. My email address is ****** (I see that I cannot yet send you a private message (PM) either, I presume because you have only just joined).

    Edited to take out my email address.
    Last edited: May 24, 2021
  4. Andy Ahl
    Joined: May 2021
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    Andy Ahl New Member

    I appreciate your understanding, here is a photo of the worst area on the bottom side.

  5. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    That’s in pretty bad shape!
    You might do some internet research on repairing or even redoing the entire skin, as canvas eventually rots.
    I think gel coat is a bad idea, not good to mix systems, find a compatible paint, and good luck getting the hull into paintable condition!
  6. Blueknarr
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Long term fix is to resin.

    The dope (paint) has become too brittle. It will continue to disintegrate even if recoated.
    Those cracks may involve the fabric.

    Quick fix to get a season-
    Hand sand with 120grit.
    Paint with a flexible rubber based paint. It won't be pretty. It won't be smooth. It won't last.

    Time to resin.

    Good luck

  7. Rumars
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    Rumars Senior Member

    Time to reskin if it's going to last. Quick cheap fix is to sand down back to the fabric, and use a PU paint over it. Problem is, if you don't know what was used originally, there is no way to know if the new paint will adhere to the old substrate.
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