Paint Additives

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by M&M Ovenden, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. M&M Ovenden
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    M&M Ovenden Senior Member

  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    There's lots of particulates you can use in paint as an anti skid additive, though this isn't the best way to make and anti skid surface, if you expect serious durability and especially repairability. Rubber, kevlar, walnut shells and my favorite polyurethane pellets are the most common. Avoid sand or other really hard particulates, which make repairs very difficult. Below I've linked a texture job (yet to see paint) I recently did on a small sailor. No particulates, just tecture, built into the epoxy coatings. You can paint over this, repeatedly, repair this easily, none of the texture can fall or get scuffed off, it goes done uniformly (unlike particulates in paint) and you can strip the paint, yet keep the texture. You can also see the texture is a raised area, so the waterways surrounding them, actually shed water.

    There are also several sound dampening paints and coatings available. I prefer removable bats or panels over coatings, simply because you always need to move or upgrade things and panels can be modified, removed or have things added to them, while coatings just have to be scraped off and redone.

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  3. missinginaction
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    missinginaction Senior Member

    I'm not running an aircraft carrier, so I'm not thinking I need the kind of durability that that armorpoxy might provide.

    A few years back I discovered a non-skid called Intergrip. Made by Interlux this product consists of small spheres that can be added to paint before applying or sprinkled onto wet paint right after it's put down (obviously before it sets). I had great results with the sprinkle method, using a salt shaker to apply the product. This stuff makes for sure footing and decks are also easy to clean and there are no sharp edges such as would be had with sand or some other coarse product.
    One small can goes a long way, you might experiment with scrap to determine how much to apply.

    Good luck,

  4. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    When applying it to paint (I never mix it in) I use a flour sifter and ground up polyurethane pellets from AwlGrip. These are probably much like the Interlux product. They're inert, uniform, come in different weights (sizes) and fairly soft.

    The "armorpoxy" above is just an application technique and it's tough. I find it easy to do than sprinkling stuff into paint too.
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