paddlewheeler recuction drive

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by xxdroom, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. xxdroom
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    xxdroom Junior Member

    I`m planning to use a v-6 to power a 100ft paddle wheeler .

    the engine shaft output is 4000 rpm.

    how do I reduce this 4000 rpm to run a 16ft paddle at 60 rpm ?

    thanks ......

    if no one knowns this answer ??????

    can you direct me a web site that can reduce the rpms to the 60 rpms I want please.......

    I have looked all over the net..... can`t find anything to help in this calculation .
  2. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    You could use a chain with a 16' dia chain ring on the paddle direct drive to a 0.28' dia chainring driven by the motor. The reduction ratio is 666.6/1
  3. AndySGray
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    AndySGray Senior Member

    Sternwheeler or Sidewheeler?

    For a sternwheeler, if you used a shaft drive to a worm gear, for each rotation of your shaft, the worm gear would advance 1 tooth. In a minute it would advance 4000 teeth - divide by 60 rpm to get 67 teeth on the driven wheel.

    As per the previous post, chain may be a good cost effective option but you may need 2 stages. The gear could be cut from 1" thick plate by a profile cutting company. Depending on power a duplex or even triplex chain may be needed.

    I'll give an example.

    Assuming your chain isn't going to be submerged - probably not a good idea, your drive gear on the paddle would need to be smaller.

    an 8' diameter drive wheel would have a circumference of 301.6 inches

    There is chain available with a 1" width and a 1.65" pitch

    so thats 182.783 teeth...

    You can't have a non integer - gotta be a whole number so we could go for 183 teeth which is a diameter of 96.1136"

    or Maybe 180 teeth at a diameter of 94.538

    Now we cant have a drive sprocket with less than about 9 or 10 teeth and we could pick 12 for ease of maths.

    gives us a 180:12 ratio or 15:1

    so for 60 rpm on the paddle we need to turn at 900 rpm

    so this is not our 4000 rpm but is 4.44 times slower. a gear with 44 teeth driven by a 10 tooth sprocket gives us our 4000:60 reduction overall.

    For a sidewheeler, I think you need to be thinking planetary gears.

    Does this help?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
  4. NavalSArtichoke
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    NavalSArtichoke Senior Member

    Before you get tied up in the details about how to match your engine speed to your paddlewheel, you should first make sure the engine has enough power to propel your vessel. A 100-foot boat, no matter how it is propelled, takes a bit of power to make even a modest speed.
  5. AndySGray
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    AndySGray Senior Member

    Planing speed paddlewheeler ;)

    You can also use a standard marine gearbox to give you that 4.5:1 reduction and will allow you to have an easy fwd/reverse.

    Why a V6 (at 4000 rpm gotta be Gas). A diesel will have much better torque and run slower - 2500 to 3000 - easier to gear.


    I think you've messed up...

    a 16' paddle has a circumference of about 50 foot

    if you turn it 60 rpm thats 3000 foot per minute, 181,000 feet per hour...

    6,076 feet to a Nm gives about 30 knots! :eek: Whoaa

    Even with slippage your calcs are way off - paddlewheelers were not noted for this type of performance
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2014
  6. SamSam
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Do not confuse rated HP for car or truck engines with the actual power they can produce for even 15 min.
  8. slow fred
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    slow fred Junior Member

    At 4000rpm it should burn a lot of gas
  9. xxdroom
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    xxdroom Junior Member

    THE DIFFERENCE IN MY 100 FT. that they are super light weight !
    narrow & long & feather light .

    so almost any power sorce will work !
    I was on the mark twain at Disney land & talked with the engineers that operated the paddlewheeler......... it only had 160 hp.
  10. xxdroom
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    xxdroom Junior Member

    right I was thinking 2500 rpm
  11. xxdroom
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  12. xxdroom
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    xxdroom Junior Member

    planeitary gears like a big tire farm tractor ?
    some side wheelers put the tractor motor & trans, axel right in the boat, hook up the wheels & run it.......... sounds ok I guess..... but I want a clean application for what I plan to build .
  13. tom28571
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    tom28571 Senior Member

    I drove a twin stern paddle wheeler of similar size a few times on rivers and the ICW. Power was a pair of Diesel Cats of 300 hp each driving a two stage chain reduction set up. The first stage was several parallel chains in an oil bath. Don't remember remember the ratio but it was not too great. The second stage was a huge chain about 5" to 6" width with pins of about 5/8 or 3/4 diameter. It was run with heavy grease wiped on at intervals by the crew. Real messy job with broken pins not rare and needed to be inspected every hour by the crew on watch. A large number of crew were needed to lift this chains weight for replacement.

    The Diesels ran at well under 4000 RPM of course so I think you are not adequately engineered for such a boat. I would estimate speed of about 10kts tops, maybe less. Displacement was not known but was probably over 100 tons.
  14. xxdroom
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    xxdroom Junior Member

    100 tons

    well I`ll tell ya.........

    my side paddlewheeler will be super light with carbon fiber etc.

    not sure how much it will weigh in at but no where near 100 ton !

  15. xxdroom
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