Pacific Proa, it's all in the details...

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by rael dobkins, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
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    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    Hi all, here she is, almost done....
    light wind configuration and other important stuff for a cruising boat........
    It's all in the details.......
    all d best. Balkan Shipyards.
  2. Zilver
    Joined: Nov 2007
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    Zilver Junior Member

    Hello Rael,

    I like your boat, and your ingenuity.
    It looks like you'll have a lot of lines to pull while sailing.

    I have a small outrigger trimaran, and found out that everything that can get tangled/jam/unscrew/shake loose/get stuck etc. will, and often at a not so good moment.

    It might be a good idea to secure all you shackles/turnbuckles with a retaining ring or use loctite ?

    I wish you nice sailing (quite soon hopefuly) and look forward to the video's.

    Cheers, Hans
  3. Jamie Kennedy
    Joined: Jun 2015
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    Jamie Kennedy Senior Member

    Can't wait to see it on the water. Thanks for sharing,
  4. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
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    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    Thanks Hans, I usually tighten shackles with a pair of pliers.... never had a problem. but yea why not a drop of loctite will be spot on.
    Sailing very soon!!!!
    all d best
    Balkan Shipyards.

  5. rael dobkins
    Joined: Jul 2015
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    Location: Bulgaria

    rael dobkins Dreams come True, But only to Dreamers...

    U aint d only one.......
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