Outrigger Sailboat Query

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by BobBill, May 1, 2020.

  1. BobBill
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Is there a ratio/formula for aka to main hull? Or, is it more or less up to sailor/use? Thanks
  2. garydierking
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    garydierking Senior Member

    If it's a tacking rig, then you think of it like a trimaran. The outrigger (ama) volume will depend on the sail area that will try to push it under.
  3. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    So, Gary, does the 200 - 225 sf of sail on the Malibu Outrigger dictating the ama size? Or, did the designer (Seaman), simply stick a given size on boat? Reason the query was posed was an attem to determine size of foam hull am planning to add...the main hull is a Hobie 19 hull, so figuring a foarm hull like an asymetrical Hobie 16 might suffice as outrigger and load carrier.
  4. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    You still working on a Malibu outrigger?
    I thought that was almost 5 years ago.
  5. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Mr. Upchurch...

    Yep, fiddling never stops...need to replace outrigger hull now...which I had planned to do...problems kept interfering. Main one now, for me, is rigging time. I made per plans and rigging is hour, but am too anal.

    On water rig is 10 feet beam on road only 8 per regs.

    Weighs about 300 now but foam hull will lighten around 70# to 230 or so, though foam should be much more bouyant.

    In truth, this rig should sit on beach...we live we learn. Boat is solid and fun, owever.

    By the way, sailing this rig is a blast, and verygratifying that our improvs function...bu admit to not taking out in heavy pressure...35 knots or more...am such a chickie!!!

    One regret is could not figure way to design in a means to paddle rig as a canoe and lay in a small cockpit in mian hull, which is very duaable, but sailing is more fund and fiddling, so use small MinnKota electric...but not as fun.

    Gary D.

    Please, forgive my bad manners!

    "Thanks for response."

    FWIW. I recreated old MO boat per your fine wee book and the original MO plans, using cast off hulls and T6061, carbon spars. (At times I have wished I had tripped down to TX to get Upchurch hulls...long story that.

    Differences from original wood MO lie in sail attachements to spars (hook/loop) and used hobie hulls and a few minor items-like Clam Cleats, Hexes and some custom work for widening overall beam on water...

    Last edited: May 2, 2020
  6. BobBill
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    BobBill Senior Member

    Ah ha, think I remember pic-trick..rig sitting from stern.

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  7. garydierking
    Joined: Sep 2004
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    garydierking Senior Member

    I think that an ama the size of a Hobie 16 hull would be adequate. You can add some insurance with additional flotation just above the ama mounted on top of the crossbeams. This is routinely done in the islands with just some large bamboo or in your case a pvc drain pipe with end caps.

  8. BobBill
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    BobBill Senior Member


    The foam equivaent of a 16 would be more than adequate, to me. The depth of the H-16 hull is near half-meter and has no way to leak.

    Actually was planning to use the verticle side of Hobie 16 hull as a guide for hot wire to cut foam and keep it as part of the foam outrigger; or, if I can design, the shear-web itself.

    Figured better to use softer glue than epozy and hot wire cutter instead of sander-mess.

    With a 1/8 shear-web and the slab side from old hull, I am figuring the new ama to weigh 30 lbs less than former arrangement, with simpler hard attachments to the two beams.

    Going to be a PIA to craft but should end up fine.

    Thanks Gary.
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