Outrigger/ Proa Power Boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by JanniGER, Feb 9, 2022.

  1. JanniGER
    Joined: Feb 2022
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    Location: Germany, Frankfurt am Main

    JanniGER New Member

    Hey Guys,
    I've been reading for a while but because of my English I didn't write anything. I have a boat idea and i would like to hear your opinion.

    It is based on plans by Richards Woods. A 30ft Hull (Aegean) and a 24ft from Skoota 24. The reason for this is I need a boat that is foldable, I live in a big city and the moorings are expensive. And since I live in the middle of Germany, it has to be trailerable (max. 2.5m) an light.

    the available catamarans are not foldable (in the water) but often trailerable and in my opinion too small.

    My Idea boat has:

    Semi-Displacment-Style Hulls
    Standing Headroom in the Mainhull
    2x Bunkbeds
    1x Queenbed
    Galley and toilet
    Seating outside for 4-5 People

    I'm curious about your opinion

    Regards Janni

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  2. Heimfried
    Joined: Apr 2015
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    Heimfried Senior Member

    Hi Janni,
    I'm building a boat in Germany (Power-Cabin-Kat, 6.3 m) which satisfies most of your desires and is far from 30'. But it's not semi displacement. Standing headroom all over, galley, toilet room, breadth = 2.5 m, sleeping 4, trailerable, mass should be less than 1000 kg.
    Based on the same plans two other ones slightly different are also under construction in Germany.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
  3. JanniGER
    Joined: Feb 2022
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    Location: Germany, Frankfurt am Main

    JanniGER New Member

    Hallo Günther,
    I think I've seen your project before and i know the boat. I would prefer something more boaty and good amount seaworthiness. Essential for this is length/ width/ freeboard/ deck clearance. My favorite waters are the mediterranean sea and the baltic sea.

    Grüße aus Frankfurt

  4. Heimfried
    Joined: Apr 2015
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    Heimfried Senior Member

    Hi Janni,
    ok then, my boat will not provide any seaworthiness only some "small-lake-worthiness".

    Grüße nach Frankfurt
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