outrigger canoe with only one iato

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by fabrice, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. fabrice
    Joined: Mar 2009
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    fabrice Junior Member

    I was wondering if it's possible to get rid of the front iato on an outrigger canoe (paddled only, no sail activity therefore less stress on the structure).

    my first intuition : A stiffer rear iato, with lateral reinforcement on the ama side.
    Could be lashed the traditional way on the hull side (perpendicular to the hull axis) and lashed on the ama side along its axis.

    The said iato should roughly look like a T, with some kind of triangulation where both axis are joining.

    Did someone try anything similar ?
    Could we discuss material resistance forecast ?
  2. DarthCluin
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    DarthCluin Senior Member

    Here are some pictures of traditional and racing outrigger canoes. Only the forward iako is load bearing. The aft iako apperars to act as a spring, damping and limiting movement. Perhaps if you were to make the forward iako a torsion bar (fleeting visions of Volkswagen Beetle front suspensions) you could delete the aft.

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  3. DarthCluin
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  4. fabrice
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    fabrice Junior Member

    Thanks Darthcluin.
    Actually, the idea is the other way round, in order to clear the front for paddling purpose.
    The front iato shown here is quite interesting, its design could fit as a rear one, alone, and centered on the ama (just like it seems to be on the pictures)
    what about strength issues ?
  5. dstgean
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    dstgean Senior Member

    Search for Glen tieman--he uses one that's 25# or so as a tender for his Wharram cat.

  6. fabrice
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    fabrice Junior Member

  7. garydierking
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