OUTRAGE! Ady Gil (Earthrace) trimaran rammed and sunk by whalers!

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by bad dog, Jan 6, 2010.

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  1. GTO
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    GTO Senior Member

    On the Discovery channel program "Whale Wars", it is stated that the Japanese are acting legally within UN agreements to harvest a limited number of whales each year for research purposes, including the provision that the harvested whales being fully exploited, i.e. eaten.

    An attack on a vessel engaged in legal activities is piracy.

    And the use of lasers in an attempt to BLIND the whaling ship's crews is over the line in my opinion. I would use the rifles the whaling ships carry and engage anyone firing a laser, killing the person with the laser if possible.

    My thoughts. :)
  2. balsaboatmodels
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    balsaboatmodels Junior Member

    No, it is not when the pedestrian is firing projectiles at your car and green laser beams at your eyes.

    And the "pedestrian" has the capability of going 50 knots while the "car" maxes out at 12 knots.
    Not at all a valid comparison.

    Hostins, do watch this one more time, please.

    01 January Incident
    sounds like being attacked with intent to hurt people, yes? no?

    Take a good look at 1:21 point and tell me you know for certain that tube with the green laser beam they pull up and shoulder is not going to be a friggin RPG????????

    You KNOW that it isn't, right?

  3. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    i do not support whaling
    the materials used to build this ady are about as unfriendly to the planet as you can get
    they are hypocrites
  4. balsaboatmodels
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    balsaboatmodels Junior Member

    That sounds like premeditated assault and potential murder to me.
    People die in ship collisions.

  5. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I'll give you another difference between whales and humans: I doubt very many whales hate their own kind. But we seem to have a never-ending supply of humans who hate humankind....including Paul Watson and his Sea Shepherd cohorts.
  6. Hostins
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    Hostins Junior Member

    well, didnt get it at all when i saw for the first time, and i just watched the another movie,

    the movie tha you mentioned its another point of view, a coin has both sides
    and as i can see, either of them are innocents, now need to check what law suits on a scene like that, im not even closer to a PRO in law, BUT IMHO both of them were wrong.

  7. happy_red
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    happy_red Junior Member

    Whether you agree with whaling or not, the ecomaniacs clearly powered into the path of a fast moving ship of much greater size than themselves. In any part of the world, this is illegal behaviour.

    I sincerely hope that the relevant authorities (I believe it is a New Zealand flagged vessel) will bring Paul Watson and his band of terrorists to justice when they next make an appearance.

    My only concern is the speed with which the media and other tree huggers will jump to the defence of this irresponsible organisation and believe the press releases regardless of the clear video evidence proving the opposite.

    I am a vegetarian and would love nothing more than to see the whales left alone, but never in my life would I take it upon myself to decide what anyone else can or can not eat. Paul Watson and his band of spoilt, middle class acolytes on the other hand, are only too ready to force their opinions on others, no matter whose safety they compromise.
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  8. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Whatever the law may be, the basic difference between the two is that the Ady Gil was there to harass and try to disable the whaling ship. So they can't really compain about getting run over, in my opinion.

    The claim that the Ady Gil was at a dead stop in the water, and went into reverse to try to avoid the collision, is clearly disproven by the video from the Japanese ship. You can see the wake behind her, and she's definitely moving forward at a reduced speed. That's about as smart as a ten-year-old on a tricycle playing chicken with a gravel truck....
  9. Luckless
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    Luckless Senior Member

    Also have they accomplished anything other than dumping more trash in our oceans? I wonder just how much ecological damage that wreck and all the debris can cause.

    Also, just how much pollutants have that group put into our waters and air by sailing those old boats around on their great crusades? Aren't they just adding to our environmental problems?
  10. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    ...the video clearly shows the tri speed up at the last moment into the bow of the ship......believe it or not, have a gander......it was a deliberate "accident"......the ship does of course also steer directly toward the tri......so they both seem to me to want an incident....welll they got one.

    ....and the waters are only claimed waters...so the sea is in fact international waters and the ship is being harrassed by the tri to disable it....it may be seen to be acting in a defencible manner.
  11. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Not true. When they try to disable a ship's rudder and prop with nets and ropes, that is an act of violence. So is attempting to blind crewmen with a laser.
    That isn't true, either. Watson was convicted in Norway of attempting to sink a Norwegian vessel, but the Dutch refused to extradite him to serve his sentence.
  12. RHough
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    RHough Retro Dude

    Notice the jolly roger flag on the little black ship ...

    Wanna-be pirate with no ability to back up the implied threat of the the flag they fly.

    Got just what they deserve.
  13. boatgm
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    boatgm Junior Member

    This whole thing was caused by the reality show “sea shepherd” looking for ratings/money. If you want to stop whaling stop buying products or supporting countries that vote for whaling.
  14. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    OK, whales are smart and dolphins are cute, but what is the best way to cook them?
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  15. balsaboatmodels
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    balsaboatmodels Junior Member

    My thought, cut the amateur hour crap and hire someone who knows what they're doing: Somalis, al-Qaeda, anyone with real-world experience.
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