outboard in center of shanty boat

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by highlandhoh3, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. highlandhoh3
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    highlandhoh3 New Member

    In the early sixties I remember a small double ended coast guard rescue boat that had a single outboard in the center of the boat. Easy to remember, it rescued me and my crew from a capsized sailboat! Wilmette harbor north of Chicago. SPACE Well, I am thinking about building a small (not very long ) houseboat for an adventure down to Key West. Pointiy vee on two sides - truncated vee on the other two sides. SPACE I was wondering about sticking an outboard in a center well, with 360 degree rotation. Have found only one picture so far. SPACE Any old farts out there who might help me out. Thanks much, Ken SPACE First post by the way.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I doubt having the motor spewing fumes in the centre of a houseboat, would be ideal. Why the insistence on it being there ?
  3. Blueknarr
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.

    Even a crude rough drawing would help clarify your proposed vessel.

    I've sailed Cal 20's they have an outboard hole in the cockpit. Tremendously reduces the chance of dropping the outboard overboard when stowing or deploying it. Tremendous amount of splash into cockpit.

    Making a 360° pivoting outboard mount is quite the technical challenge. Most vessels are adequately maneuverable with 90°-120° rotation plus reverse gear.

    Keep up the dream and keep us informed to its progression.
  4. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Since this is posted in three separate places on this site, two should probaly be deleted.
  5. goodwilltoall
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    goodwilltoall Senior Member

    Most likely the Calkins designed Bartender 22 which was used by USCG in the Great Lakes

    The late G. Buehler has a version of his Pilgrim 45 with same set up
  6. JamesG123
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    JamesG123 Senior Member

    An outboard placed in the center of a enclosed cabin (ie: houseboat) will have the drawbacks of the engine compartment/ housing taking up some prime realestate and you have to worry about exhaust venting.
  7. goodwilltoall
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  8. goodwilltoall
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  9. goodwilltoall
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    goodwilltoall Senior Member

    OB version Pilgrim outboard version.jpg

  10. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    <threads merged>
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