Our Oceans are Under Attack

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by brian eiland, May 19, 2009.

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  1. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    "In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row. "


    Nasa reported several years of diminishing ice caps on mars from a 1999 mission, too.

    Why aren't we monitoring mars and the other planets more closely for signs of warming?
    Seems prudent to me.
    Wouldn't it be GOOD news man made warming is a myth and provable?
    Imagine the improvements to our planet all that climate change money could do, if it wasn't being wasted on a futile attempt at social (socialist) engineering!
  2. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member


    I am convinced if Clinton is president, that she will pursue increasing the cost of fossil fuels to discourage their use, by some kind of tax scheme.
    Germany pays a lot more for electricity and they have induced an energy poverty amoung their people. And all their green energy has done nothing to lower their Co2 emmisions since they are building more coal plants to make up for their failed solar and wind schemes.

    Some good reading, get educated about the agenda, money of 1.5 trillion has been spent studying climate or trading off the fear every year.
  3. micah719
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    micah719 Plotting Dreamer


    And we know how that will turn out.....

    There was a great Marxist called Lenin
    Who did two or three million men in
    That’s a lot to have done in
    But where he did one in,
    that grand Marxist Stalin did ten in.
  4. micah719
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    micah719 Plotting Dreamer


  5. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    micah719 Plotting Dreamer

    You produce articles written by Larry Bell who is a weekly columnist for Forbes Magazine with no evident climate expertise who writes columns dismissing climate science[1], [2]. He is listed as author of a Jan. 2011 book titled Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind The Global Warming Hoax, published through the Greenleaf Book Group, a vanity press

    Bell appears to have no background in climate science. His Forbes blurb states that "Weekly columnist Larry Bell is a professor at the University of Houston and author of Climate of Corruption"; his University of Houston professorship is in "Space Architecture", where he is director of the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture (SICSA) - an institution funded by the Sasakawa Foundation, which was founded by Ryoichi Sasakawa, "rightist and gambling figure" who was "the last living member of a group accused after World War II of the most serious war crimes"

    micah719 Plotting Dreamer anything you post about climate change I take with a pinch of salt as I do Yobarbarncles repeat hidden agenda, especially about greed when he would be the greediest of all.
  6. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    The military budget in the USA is about $680 billion per year. A large amount of other funding is directly connected to military spending in the states, bringing the total closer to $1 trillion per year.Even if we assume the lesser of these numbers, annual defense spending in the US is about four times as much money as is needed to begin rapidly ending extreme poverty in the entire world. If some of the US military’s monstrous budget could be channelled towards humanitarian goals, then extreme poverty in our world could quickly become a thing of the past.
  7. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Nasa’s Oceans Melting Greenland study will deploy 200 robot probes to measure the full extent of Arctic climate change

    An urgent attempt to study the rate at which Greenland’s mighty ice sheets are melting has been launched by Nasa. The aim of the six-year project, called Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG), is to understand how fast the world’s warming seas are now eroding the edges of the island’s vast icecaps. Warming air temperatures are already causing considerable glacier loss there, but the factors involving the sea that laps the bases of its great ice masses, and which is also heating up, are less well understood.

    Greenland contains vast reservoirs of ice which, if completely melted, would raise world sea levels by more than six metres. However, some influences on its current dramatic melting are poorly understood. Hence the decision to launch OMG, an acronym that the project leader, Joshua Willis, admits he “barely squeezed past the censors”.

    Greenland is the world’s largest island and is almost completely covered by ice. Scientists estimate that about 695,000 square miles of its surface is coated with glaciers, an area 14 times the size of England. (By contrast, only 135,000 square miles of Greenland is ice-free.)

    That coating is now disappearing at an alarming rate thanks to the impact of global warming, triggered by rising emissions of greenhouse gases. According to University of Colorado climate scientist Konrad Steffen, the amount of ice Greenland lost in 2007 was “the equivalent of two times all the ice in the Alps”. Sea ice in the Arctic ocean around Greenland has also been decreasing while permafrost in tundra in the far north has been thawing rapidly.
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  9. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    If the mining company had done that, the EPA would destroy them and the company hung in the eco nazi media, but since the EPA did that themselves, they wont feel much pain.
  10. micah719
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    micah719 Plotting Dreamer

    I thought this was a boat design forum, not a stage for your propaganda. If you really cared about the oceans and the environment, you'd recognise that wasting trillions on faux climate change detracts from real problems and real solutions. If you consider all life sacred, does that include the 50+ million babies murdered in their mother's wombs in the US since Roe vs. Wade, and the crushing alive of babies today by Planned Parenthood in order to harvest body parts? Give it a rest, please.

    How about we focus on real problems and how to solve them. Eg...abolish or severly rein in the EPA, which recently poisoned a river. Educate third world folks about dumping rubbish...and let them reap the benefit from their resources rather than having them stolen. Let them climb the ladder to a better life the same way we did, with cheap fossil fuels, and stop wasting food for ethanol, and stop stealing land for white elephant carbon sequestration.

    The earth is not overpopulated and there are plenty of resources to go around and to furnish a healthy and prosperous life for all....but it doesn't come through wealth redistribution, as the various bloody experiments of the last two centuries have proven. If people like you get their way, we private citizens won't have boats, or be able to enjoy the beauty of nature. The apparatchiks will, while we languish in enclaves outside the reserved "nature reserves".

    I doubt anyone can reason with you and your kind....I post stuff here for others, as a balance to your endless stream of party-line hogwash. If The Lord has mercy on you, He will change your heart and thereby teach you things like discernment, compassion, humility and integrity; but He is just as glorified by leaving you as you are: His justice is as absolute and terrible as His grace and forgiveness are generous and everlasting. My agenda is not hidden, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to speak....the trend is toward forced silence, which precedes further persecution including genocide, as history proves, and which your fellow-travelers admit all too candidly when they are resolutely opposed. It will come to bloodshed, but not at our instigation. Posting here is my contribution to avoid that, as futile as it is. Go in peace.
  11. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    You produce articles written by Larry Bell who is a weekly columnist for Forbes Magazine with no evident climate expertise who writes columns dismissing climate science[1], [2]. He is listed as author of a Jan. 2011 book titled Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power Behind The Global Warming Hoax, published through the Greenleaf Book Group, a vanity press

    When you seek your propaganda from the Sasakawa Foundation, which was founded by Ryoichi Sasakawa, "rightist and gambling figure" who was "the last living member of a group accused after World War II of the most serious war crimes"
    I will take it with a pinch of salt especially your out of this world last comments.
  12. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    The whole story is a bit more nuanced. There are many, many abandoned mines in Colorado that are leaking polluting water, and which need to be cleaned up. The EPA was trying to stabilize the Gold King Mine prior to plugging the much worse Red and Bonita mine (itself a $1.5 billion project). The EPA was working with the local business leaders to NOT declare the area a superfund site (which it certainly qualified for), for fear of scaring away tourists. Things went sideways and mistakes were made. But to now say that the EPA is bad, bad, bad is really asinine.

    Micah thinks we should educate third world citizens to not dump their trash (a noble sentiment, to be sure), but back 100 years ago, when these mines were operational, Colorado was essentially a third world country, and mine operators were essentially just dumping their trash. Now we (that is the EPA) is trying to clean up their mess. But you want to eviscerate EPA. Now how stupid is that idea?

    What the EPA was doing when it sent yellow sludge spilling into a Colorado creek | Washington Post
  13. micah719
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    micah719 Plotting Dreamer

    Of course you rally to the EPA's defence, it is one of your vanguard assault formations! Are heads going to roll? No, it's Government, they get promotions and bonuses for this stuff. Do they have to cover the cost? No, it's SOMEONE ELSE'S MONEY, as always. Well, it's running out, the Cloward-Piven strategy has been very successful.....but don't forget that revolutions always eat their supporters, tovarich.

    Considering they (you) have proven themselves dishonest and incompetent, and arrogant to impose their incompetence on others, it's a damn fine idea to can them; throw the parasites off the gravy train, force them to do real work for a living. They should be glad they aren't thrown in jail; theft and fraud are illegal, as is conspiracy to commit murder.



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  14. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

  15. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Now the scientists tell us the universe is dying, so why should it not die. Constant change is what it is all about.
    There is no such thing as time in nature that is just a Human invention.
    Perhaps there is a younger universe we can go and muck up.
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