Our Oceans are Under Attack

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by brian eiland, May 19, 2009.

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  1. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Factory farming is killing the planet: Why the meat industry’s future needs to look more like its past

    Sonia Faruqi visited 60 farms in eight countries. Here's what she learned


    What happens when you go from never thinking about where your meat comes from to visiting 60 farms across three continents?

    One thing’s for sure: your food will never again look the same.

    That was the case for Sonia Faruqi, whose new book, “Project Animal Farm,” documents her journey from a self-described “materialistic investment banker” with an imagination informed by “Little House on the Prairie” to eyewitness to the often unsavory realities of modern-day factory farming. She emerged not just with tales of horrific abuse (although there are certainly plenty of those) but with suggestions for how — with systemic reform and a reconsideration of just how much meat we actually need to be eating — we can still have our meat and sleep at night, too.

    “Farms are the modern ’1984,’” Faruqi writes. “Official party lines are disseminated to the public and readily accepted by it. At every meal, people swallow small and large doses of lies.” With ag-gag laws trying to making visits to factory farms a thing of the past, Salon spoke with Farqui about why it’s not such a bad thing if the truth causes you to lose your appetite. Our conversation has been lightly edited for clarity.

    Before you started out on this project, what was the image you had in your mind of farms and where your meat came from?
  2. ImaginaryNumber
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    A Renegade Trawler, Hunted for 10,000 Miles by Vigilantes | New York Times
  3. ImaginaryNumber
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    Climate change 'triple threat' increases severe flooding risk in biggest US cities | The Guardian
  4. micah719
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    micah719 Plotting Dreamer


    "Dr. Patrick Moore, who was one of the original founders of Greenpeace who left the organization in disgust of their current political zealotry, and Greenpeace is now trying to have him erased from history for daring to do that. He has now produced this interesting video in conjunction with with Prager University that is sure to put some people into conniption fits.

    Global Warming activists will tell you that CO2 is bad and dangerous. The EPA has even classified it as a pollutant. But is it? Patrick Moore provides some surprising facts about the benefits of CO2 that you won’t hear in the current debate."

    When you can tell me the weather in a month with better than 50/50 accuracy, I might start listening to your prophecies for the decades to come.
  5. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    More co2 is plant fertilizer, which means more plant growth which means better life for people. And more plant growth means more co2 is used up in the atmosphere.
    There has been no warming for 18 years, yet the hype seems more virulent than ever, all of it aimed direct to the common public as scare mongering tactics. Anyone with a brain can see the agenda, and that is to present those who don't believe as deniers of their earth goddess religion which will 'save the planet'.

    The doom is always just around the corner , but there is always time to stop the global warming, same story for many years, never too late, but at the tipping point of the knifes edge, totally bogus, but see being an earth goddess religion thing, it energizes people which all true believers in a religion experience.

    I read the latest stunt is protestors lowering themselves off a bridge to block passage of an arctic oil drilling ship here in the USA

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  6. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    More co2 is plant fertilizer, which means more plant growth which means better life for people. And more plant growth means more co2 is used up in the atmosphere.
    There has been no warming for 18 years, yet the hype seems more virulent than ever, all of it aimed direct to the common public as scare mongering tactics. Anyone with a brain can see the agenda,

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  7. sdowney717
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    Chesapeake bay water level to rise 6 inches over next century. This though due to global warming, that is true, but from the last ice age when a mile high ice sheet sat on the land which forced the land higher, so down the land goes and that means up the water goes.

    I saw a news reporter interviewing an old man on his land around Norfolk. He blamed warming for why his water levels had crept higher over the decades and demanded politicians pass carbon laws due to man made warming. However, the land is subsiding, going down. Too bad no one around is educated enough to explain that for him.

    So when alarmists spread their alarm-ism, the public education suffers injury due to the hype. In that news story many people saw evidence that the water had moved up, but were not told that the land was going down, no, the only story they were told was it was due to global warming, they were not educated about the truth.
  8. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    Readers of this thread will remember that we have indeed discussed the complex geology of the Chesapeake Bay, and will recall that parts of it are subsiding do the the aftermath of a collision with huge bolide that hit the area some 35 million years ago.



  9. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I was sitting by my nice warm lounge fire the other day and I thought, what part does using and burning Oxygen in Industry and everything else add up to in climate change.
    7 Billion people and all the many creatures and machines must make big inroads into the Oxygen available,and all of those thousands passenger jets spraying burnt fuel needlessly, all over the world.
    I have not seen any research papers about such an important part of our "Ocean of air"
    under which we live.
  10. FactsNotFiction
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    FactsNotFiction New Member

    Contrarians and statistics

    Refer to this discussion: http://johnquiggin.com/2012/10/19/statistical-significance/

    Given the scatter in the global plot, its reasonable to infer that localised plots are even more scattered and day to day plots, chaotic. There's no correlation between day to day weather and climate unless the day to day weather is averaged over a time frame long enough for it to become climate. Your claim is equivalent to saying we can't predict annual road fatalities unless we can predict who will die and when they'll die.


    No warming in 18 years? Wrong. Less than the previous 18? Yes. But that's only air temp. A lot more heat has been stored in warming oceans. Water being 800 times as dense as air stores far more heat.
    Earth now halfway to UN global warming limit:

  11. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    ,and all of those thousands passenger jets spraying burnt fuel needlessly, all over the world.

    Well said tom. The thousands of jet flights a day burning all that kero is something I have often wondered about but never hear much about it.
  12. myark
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    Athletes at Rio Olympics to compete in 'basically raw sewage', study reveals


    Athletes in next year’s Summer Olympics will be swimming and boating in waters so contaminated with human feces that they risk becoming violently ill and unable to compete in the games, an Associated Press investigation has found.

    An AP analysis of water quality revealed dangerously high levels of viruses and bacteria from human sewage in Olympic and Paralympic venues – results that alarmed international experts and dismayed competitors training in Rio, some of whom have already fallen ill with fevers, vomiting and diarrhea.

    It is the first independent comprehensive testing for both viruses and bacteria at the Olympic sites.
    Extreme water pollution is common in Brazil, where the majority of sewage is not treated. Raw waste runs through open-air ditches to streams and rivers that feed the Olympic water sites.

    As a result, Olympic athletes are almost certain to come into contact with disease-causing viruses that in some tests measured up to 1.7m times the level of what would be considered hazardous on a Southern California beach.

    Despite decades of official pledges to clean up the mess, the stench of raw sewage still greets travelers touching down at Rio’s international airport. Prime beaches are deserted because the surf is thick with putrid sludge, and periodic die-offs leave the Olympic lake, Rodrigo de Freitas, littered with rotting fish.

    “What you have there is basically raw sewage,” said John Griffith, a marine biologist at the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Griffith examined the protocols, methodology and results of the AP tests.

    “It’s all the water from the toilets and the showers and whatever people put down their sinks, all mixed up, and it’s going out into the beach waters. Those kinds of things would be shut down immediately if found here,” he said, referring to the US.
  13. micah719
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    micah719 Plotting Dreamer


    "A fatally flawed opinion that CO2 was pollution has fuelled the biggest ever scam in history, by a very big margin.

    How big? This big:

    Climate Change Business Journal estimates the Climate Change Industry is a $1.5 Trillion dollar escapade, which means four billion dollars a day is spent on our quest to change the climate. That includes everything from carbon markets to carbon consulting, carbon sequestration, renewables, biofuels, green buildings and insipid cars. For comparison global retail sales online are worth around $1.5 trillion. So all the money wasted on the climate is equivalent to all the goods bought online. […]

    Once the **** hits the fan, the repercussions are going to be even bigger!

    […] So while The Guardian worries about the dark and evil influence of the fossil fuels industry they don’t seem at all concerned about the vested-monster-in-the-kitchen, the 1.5 Trillion Climate Industry. Ditto for the intrepid souls at the ABC/BBC/CBC who think they speak truth to power, but miss the most powerful lobby in the climate debate."

    Maybe the Brazilians can't afford proper sanitation because they're being robbed of their money by the hypocrites.
  14. FactsNotFiction
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    FactsNotFiction New Member

    The science of climate change is not couched in these emotive, belief driven terms. Science is skeptical. Facts are arrived at by constantly attempting to falsify theories. It is not driven by belief and opinion. Rather than citing vested commercial interests, show me some peer reviewed science that supports your claims.

    You haven't addressed my critique of the climate and weather mantra that's routinely pulled out by denialists:

    There's no correlation between day to day weather and climate unless the day to day weather is averaged over a time frame long enough for it to become climate. Your claim is equivalent to saying we can't predict annual road fatalities unless we can predict who will die and when they'll die.


  15. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Athletes at Rio Olympics to compete in 'basically raw sewage', study reveals

    I do not mind the drones of the world swimming in raw sewage but in New Zealand when the local farmers irrigate the wastes from dairying on to pastures we have to accept the smells and the ground water pollution because it is our ,major source of income.
    That is just a minor part of the massive pollution taking place.
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