Osculati toe rails

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Scuff, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. Scuff
    Joined: Nov 2016
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    Scuff Senior Member

  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Osculati generally seem to have a fairly good reputation for their products.

    What type of boat do you intend to use them on?
  3. Scuff
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    Scuff Senior Member

    A 28' sailboat. I see they do list a distributor on the east coast of us.
  4. William Daniels
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    William Daniels New Member

    I also plan to use them. As soon as I try, I will immediately write my impression.
  5. Scuff
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    Scuff Senior Member

    William what are you using them on?
  6. Scuff
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    Scuff Senior Member

    I contacted the distributor for the US located in new England. They don't carry the toe rails because the shipping cost is prohibitive.
  7. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I had a ton of trouble sourcing Osculati product. Their nav lights were my favorite and I found some on Ebay. Well, they sent me two green lights which was the problem all over the US, only green. Then when I filed a complaint with Ebay that the seller misrepresented they had red available; the seller asked me to close the complaint so they could 'resolve'. So Ebay gave me all my money back and the vendor did not get the lights back.

    Anyhow, so I had two green ones. I finally called Force 4 Chandlery in the UK and they said they could get red lights and so I ordered two...yeah. About a month later no lights and I called them and they had some snafu, but got the order made then. Finally, got the lights like 4-6 months after the initial Ebay order.

    Bottom line. Force 4 Chandlery came through for me.
    bajansailor likes this.

  8. Scuff
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    Scuff Senior Member

    Thanks, I was hopeful I could get them the price was very reasonable compared to the other options. I may look for some used rails.
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