Orlando clipper

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by zgrantw84, Mar 18, 2021.

  1. zgrantw84
    Joined: Mar 2021
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    zgrantw84 New Member

    Hello everyone! I have looked everywhere trying to identify this fiberglass Orlando clipper I fixed up and can’t find anything. I mainly want to know the max size outboard I can put on it. There are no numbers on the boat to reference. I haven’t taken measurements yet. If that would help let me know.

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  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum ZG.

    Re the photo showing the 35 hp Johnson, the boat appears to be about 12' long at the most (?)
    Have you tested the 35 hp O/B motor that is currently installed?
    I would think that this should be plenty enough power for this boat.

    What is your intended usage for the boat, and what speed do you want to be able to achieve?
    Bear in mind that 25 knots in a 12' boat will seem to be much faster (and more scary) than 25 knots in a 20' boat.
  3. zgrantw84
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    zgrantw84 New Member

    Thank you! Yes I did test the motor and I was topping out at 27 knots. I mainly use the boat to fish for walleye in the st Clair river. I wasn’t sure what the max HP was or even the name of the boat for that matter. From research I think it’s either a Dart or skipper but have to take measurements to confirm. I’m thinking about selling so just trying to get all info. It was a mess when I bought

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  4. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Thirty five Hp on a twelve foot boat is pretty much all you had better use. A 9.9 or a 15 is plenty for that boat unless you are loading it unmercifulliy with weight. The 9.9/15 will get you into the low twenties.............. How fast must you go to get to the fishing spot?
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  5. zgrantw84
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    zgrantw84 New Member

    It’s a 14 foot and I’m just trying to get some specs on a vintage boat my friend.

  6. Sean Bailey
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    Sean Bailey New Member

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