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Original Scarab Molds 18' 22' 26' 29' 302 CC 31' Excell 33' AVS 35' Larry Smith

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by johnboat75, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. johnboat75
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    johnboat75 Junior Member

    Lots of Original Wellcraft Scarab molds all need some type of work have been sitting for several years ! call for details 941-685-9374 john

    Attached Files:

  2. Corsa87
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    Corsa87 New Member


    What are you asking for 29' 30' 31'
  3. johnboat75
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    johnboat75 Junior Member

    $15,000.00 each set of hull and deck molds
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    XS MARINES New Member

    Purchase of Boat molds between 30 to 34 feet

    I have recently started building boats in India. The mould offered by you interest me.

    Request if you can send the following information:
    1) Year of manufacture
    2) no of boats built from existing mold,
    3) can you send some more pictures of Hull Bow & stern profile, pls confirm 24deg dead rise.
    4) internal picture of Hull liner, pictures of mould also
    5) list of moulds,
    6) Location of Moulds and advise if all of them can be fitted in 40 ft container

    Is your base price negotiable.


    Sheri Bamboat -- XS Marines
  5. Hachuky
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    Hachuky New Member

    Interested in and 21 footer

    Modern top nicer than challenger velocity and apache with 24 degress deadrise new 2 uses beautifull

    Cntact me luisrobertoph@hotmail.com
  6. dhivdoom
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    dhivdoom New Member

    I am a Boat builder in india,

    Interested in the 22ft mould,
    can you tell me the deadrise at transom!!!
    If you have the moulds email me the details dhivdoom@gmail.com
  7. Randy Strieff
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    Randy Strieff New Member

    I'm interested in 20-24' molds if you have any left. You can contact me at strieffinc@gmail.com or 530-768-4118. Thanks
  8. Chervon
    Joined: Nov 2017
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    Chervon New Member

    Is the scarab 302 sport mould available ?

  9. Edson
    Joined: Apr 2023
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    Edson New Member

    Are the 33' AVS 35' mouldings still available for sale?
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