Optimum Propulsion Methods in Seaweed/Sargassum

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Velsia, Aug 31, 2023.


Best Propulison method in thick seaweed?

  1. Traditional Outboard

    0 vote(s)
  2. Jet Outboard

    0 vote(s)
  3. Inboard with Sail Drive Propellor

    0 vote(s)
  4. Shaft Drive Propellor

  5. Paddle Wheel

    0 vote(s)
  6. Sail

    0 vote(s)
  7. Other

  1. Velsia
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Velsia Floater

    As many of you will be aware, the amount of sargassum being produced in the Atlantic has increased of late and this is being left piling onto the beaches from the Caribbean upto the East Coast of the USA.

    To combat the problem I am working on a shallow draft vessel to collect the weed at sea which can either drop it off on shore to a waiting land vehicle, or to one of the new experimental facilitys dabbling with Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR).

    One would think that a paddle boat would be a good method for this but being so cumbersome, I am wondering if there is a better alternative?

    I have added a poll for those that don't wish to opine.
  2. KJL38
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  3. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Where is this harvesting proposed to happen, and how much weed are you talking about?
    No need to collect it at sea, it is easily harvested from the shorelines, scoop it up at low tide.
    The economics of harvesting at sea by boat don’t seem viable, and get worse the further offshore it is picked from.
    The vessel would necessarily be quite large, and large vessels generally are deep draft, requiring compatible harbor and unloading facilities.
    If you could be more specific, you’d be more likely to stimulate meaningful discussion.
    Barry likes this.
  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Here is the solution. Propulsion at Sea, plus Land scooping capabilities

  5. Barry
    Joined: Mar 2002
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  6. Velsia
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    Velsia Floater

    Thank you for all your input.

    @kapnD At the moment, the weed is picked up on the shore by some pour souls and this is not only ardous, but a unhealthy job due to the sulpher that is given off by the seaweed as it dries. It is also labour intensive as some places cannot be accessed or disrupted by heavy machinery on the beach so the pick up is done by hand/pitchfork. In addition to this, if the weed is to be used for CDR, they need live seaweed, and by the time it reaches the beach it is not useful to them. The vessel is a cat drawing 0.4m so should hopefully be able to get to most of places as the bays here are relatively deep. Anchored floating barriers are also currently used in places to prevent weed piling up which also keeps it offshore a little.

    The conveyour on the boat will only pull up the sarguassum at about 0.5 m/s so I think the FNR might not work @Barry which is a great shame as that looks fun!
  7. Andrew Kirk
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    Andrew Kirk Pedal boater.

    My paddlewheel propelled pedal boat ground to a halt in a mat of weed on the canal. Whilst the paddlewheel was OK, the rudder got stuck. A wheel at either side, also used for steering, might have worked.
  8. Velsia
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Velsia Floater

    The rudder issue is a good point well raised.
  9. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    We have a grass that's similar in composition, closed circuit keel cooling with prop and shaft. Traditional packing, lower skew prop that's slightly underproped with a dry stack.

    Outboards work for a little while but eventually suck up enough chunks to block the coolant and you spend the whole time trying to flush grass out of the inners. And the Jet units pretty much stop moving, unless you keep the grate really wide. In our case my jet turned into a 250 horsepower Salad Shooter for about 3 minutes and then clogged up and became a paperweight.

    I keep an old school props skiff for those years when the fish are heavy on the grass.
  10. alan craig
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    alan craig Senior Member

    How about a low speed airboat ? Two props, nothing in the water.
    clmanges likes this.
  11. Barry
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  12. Randy Bassinga
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    Randy Bassinga Junior Member

    Would a fore mounted collector not clear a path? Like a harvester system? How do hovercrafts go in such conditions for moving around?
  13. comfisherman
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  14. Carlos Lara
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  15. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Surface drives, Arnason style, but an airboat would be the way to go, no?
    portacruise likes this.
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