Optimum location to mount new GPS receiver

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by the brain, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    Optimum location to mount new GPS receiver

    I think I’ve finalized the design of my new NMEA2K network. From left to right terminater,MFD,GPS power in middle to help distribute the 12VDC evenly, extension cable 4way port, fuel tank1,2, engine terminator.

    I’m hopping the 6.5’ extension will be long enough to have the 4 way close enough where the 13’ engine cable reachs if not I’ll either use a T an relocate the terminator to the T or get longer extension cable.

    Please advise on Optimum location to mount new Garmin GPS24XD receiver front or rear of roof?

    I have the anchor light in front section of roof the antenna is a tad higher than the light.

    Additionaley I plan a smallish LED light next to the anchor light both will be lower than the antenna. Thanks for any advise.

    new design.jpg
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