Opinions wanted.....unknown 27 footer.

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by duggy, Sep 10, 2011.

  1. duggy
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    duggy Junior Member

    This is my new project ,27 ft with an 8.3l 205hp V8 Cummins with under 400hrs running through a jack shaft to a volvo290? leg with a pair of Mercruiser style external trim rams.Hull is solid glass,pretty sure foam cored with no timber used, hell thick and heavy!Similar in design to a lot of police launches out here, p.o thinks John Haines was the builder, has some Formula 233 resemblance I guess.Hull has been 2 packed already so will get a new interior refit and I will put the cabin doors back on that have been removed in lexcen perhaps?
    While it wont win any beauty contests the price was right and I am hoping it will serve me well even if the Cummins is low tech/thirsty/noisy compared to a newer design.Pics of engine install and jackshaft are in the word doc.Any thoughts on how it will handle rough water?I am currently fitting out a new trailer for it to transport it the 5400km home from where it is at the moment and want to use the time to properly formulate a plan of attack.
    Any thoughts appreciated.Thanks in advance.

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  2. duggy
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    duggy Junior Member


    ...and if anybody has any idea on the make/model that would be a great help too!!!!
  3. Ike
    Joined: Apr 2006
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    Ike Senior Member

    I'l try again. The boat should have an Australian Builders Plate. The name of the builder and a Craft Identification Number (CID, also called Hull Identification Number) should be on the builders plate. Also look on the upper right corner of the transom for a CID. If it does have a CID the first three letters identify the manufacturer. Contact the Boating Industries Alliance of Aus. to find out who has that Manufacturers Id Code. http://www.biaa.com.au/
  4. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Certainly looks to be based on the Formula 233, you'd have to think she would handle the rough OK, but not likely to be a racehorse with the diesel.
  5. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Lots of displacement, lots of deadrise and a heavy laminate all add up to a comfortable, rough water capable craft.

  6. duggy
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    duggy Junior Member

    Well it sounds like it will suit me just fine then.I am not after the fastest ride around,though hoping it isn't too slow lol.Trying to figure out its history is proving very difficult from the little info I have.Has never been moored,always trailered by a Government mob of some sorts.One source says QLD police another the customs service.Apparently went by the name Phoenix 2. My Brother has gone over it and cant find any id plates or build numbers at all I really need to get her back down here,identify the outdrive and get started on refurbishing the fuel system ect to get her out on the water.
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