Opinions on the glen-l yankee star

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Jakegator, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. Jakegator
    Joined: Jan 2012
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    Jakegator Junior Member

    Hello everyone, I am looking to build the glen-l Yankee Star as a liveaboard and had some questions. First of all this will no be my first build of this size so im not too concerned about the size of the project. I do intend to build with the cold molded method. I was wondering if any body has any opinions on this design such as the stability, performance, handling... etc. Any opinions are welcome. I attached a link to the page below for reference.


    Thank you all for your help!
  2. Tad
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Tad Boat Designer

    There is very little to go on in the link above. Also it's hard to comment as we don't know why you chose this design.

    The construction photo shows flat bottomed midsections so we can assume a lower AVS and higher initial stability. The rest (VCG location) will be up to the build details. If you want a lower VCG build the ballast in a bulb (with suitably reinforced stub) and use the lightest section sloop/cutter rig. Be careful and pay attention to weight in building the deck structure.

    Pay attention to underwater fairing and keel design. Use the sloop/cutter rig with a properly tapered spar section. Dyneema rigging is the choice for light weight aloft(which will add to performance). Buy good sails and learn to use them. The propeller aperture is bad news from a drag standpoint.

    Rudder appears small and probably should be altered to a spade with partial skeg for better handling.

    Two heads and companionways are unnecessary in a 40' cruising boat. Also the cockpit footwell is a waste of space.
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