Ontong Java II by Hans Klaar

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by JCaprani, May 3, 2012.

  1. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Not sure this was meant, it's not an interview with Hans, but this is by Webb Chiles when he spotted Ontong Java...

    on May 6, 2010



    and November 16, 2010


  2. JCaprani
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    JCaprani Junior Member

    Hi Peter,

    The starboard hull will be about 3' longer than the previous, and over 1' wider beam amidships, she is a larger craft all round. The drawing titled Anna which others have mentioned here is by Hans, but it is not of Ontong Java. A more comprehensive set of drawings were made showing the lines, rig and fit out in detail but these are unlikely to be published. As the hulls are to a folk boat pattern no lofting was done, general dimensions were specified and Hans worked on site with the local builder to get the lines he wanted.

    All the best,

  3. Alex.A
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    Alex.A Senior Member

    I am curious about crab claw rigs - and Hans Klaar has tried most / has a lot of experience. He seems to favour the tacking rig with jib - but as he's seen (sailed on?) Glenn Tiemans Tama Moana/child of the sea - what are his impressions of it? Also what would he think of a tacking version - i.e. a ketch version of his last rig? Similar to his Tehini but not overlapping the mast.

    Will he retain the same rig as the last Ontong Java?
  4. JCaprani
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    JCaprani Junior Member

  5. Knuffka
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    Knuffka New Member

    So bloody good to see Hans doing it, life so good. Knuffka
  6. Alex.A
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    Alex.A Senior Member

    What happened to the pics and google+ album? Any news on how it sailed?
  7. JCaprani
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    JCaprani Junior Member

    The album is being moved to tumblr and I'm in the process of uploading today. Look out for a short film on vimeo soon. The ship has sailed over 2000nm already and is at sea right now.
  8. goodwilltoall
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    goodwilltoall Senior Member

    How long did Hans due time for crime?
  9. Alex.A
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    Alex.A Senior Member

    Google it.
  10. Alex.A
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    Alex.A Senior Member

    Update at atom voyages.com under sailor interviews.
  11. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    How does Hans Klaar navigate? Has he been seduced by 21st century GPS; or is he still old-school compass and sextant; or perhaps Polynesian wind, waves, birds and constellations?
  12. Mufasa
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    Mufasa Waka frother

  13. Alex.A
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    Alex.A Senior Member

    More blog posts!!
    Enjoy the boat.
  14. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

  15. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Looks like Hans used the style and build method of the pirogues that can be seen throughout the West African coast and adapted the hull form for catamaran use as per Admiral Paris' plans.

    Some West African pirogue examples...

    St. Louis, Senegal - (pic source)

    click pic to enlarge

    click pic to enlarge

    Below - near Banjul, Gambia - (pic source)

    click pic to enlarge

    BTW, Hans also built near Banjul.

    Found some info about the pirogues in an FAO report (pdf).


    From the report page 14 (is page 20 on the pdf)

    ‘‘ THE BOAT.
    The Senegalese Pirogue has evolved from the dugout canoe and has a solid beam of wood some 40 - 50 cm thick as a keel upon which side planks have been fitted to increase both the size and carrying capacity of the canoe (see fig 3 *). These side planks are linked together by transverse thwarts, cross beams and occassionally bulkheads which give the hull strength. Strips of heavy canvas are nailed lengthwise over tarred caulking to stop leakage while at the stern of the canoe an outboard engine mounting bracket is situated amidships over a well cut directly through the keel. The length of canoe used in the purse fishery has increased since the mid eaghties to an average of some 18-20 metres but there are some canoes of this type which now occassionally reach 24-26 metres in length. Example measured at Dakaar Fig 3* proved to be 24 metres in length. ’’

    See the pirogue drawings in the report *(Fig 3 from the quote) on page 13 (is page 19 on the pdf), and page 25 (is page 31 on the pdf).

    And compare it to John's photos (unfortunately gone) and the one below, on which Hans based his boat, from the in above post linked article.

    click pic for source

    John, could you please repost the pictures that are gone or provide a link where they can be seen ? That would be nice :)

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2013
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