Online design of ship cylindrical chain locker

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Mermaid Co, May 20, 2017.

  1. Mermaid Co
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    Mermaid Co Junior Member

  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    How curious! I had never seen a cylindrical chain locker. What advantages does it have over the traditional rectangular parallelepipedic?
  3. Mermaid Co
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    Mermaid Co Junior Member

    chain falling through spurling pipe creates conical shape and cylindrical shaped chain lockers are quite effective in terms of space utilization.However many boats and slow moving vessels prefer cuboid shapes, obviously due to ease of construction and structural continuity. Commercial high speed vessels do have these kinds of chain lockers.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    What is the relationship between the speed of the boat and the shape of the chain locker?
    I believe that reinforcement of a cylindrical chain locker and its attachment to the structure of the ship can cause more problems than its (possible?) advantages. It is a subject that I find curious, interesting and that I would greatly appreciate that you develop in more depth. Thank you.
  5. Mermaid Co
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    Mermaid Co Junior Member

    Herewith attached few vessels with cylindrical chain lockers. Ideally shape should be cylindrical,square plan is even better because of ease of integration and better space utilization due to equal sides. If sides ratio gets more than 1.5, space utilization is not optimal.
    You are right most of the boats have rectangular parallelepipedic chain lockers.

    Some commercial vessels with high forecastle deck and speed are designed with these type of chain lockers.
    So narrow and deep chain lockers help to reduce vcg of stowed chain and cylindrical shape with better chain pile fitting reduces chain pile movement during heavy motions.If Proposed mooring and deck arrangement doesnt require chain locker to be structurally integrated with collision bulkhead,cylindrical shape can be used.
    However,There is no hard and fast rule.

    However space required for cylindrical chain locker can be used for square plan chain lockers,with diameter equivalent to the sides of locker.

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  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    You have given me three examples that have nothing to do with the HSC.:)
    I still do not see clearly that the advantages outweigh the inconveniences, but, thank you, anyway :(

  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    As I understand it, your claim is that a cylindrical chain locker prevents chain shifting in rough weather.
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