on-line source for Cummins 4BT wet exhaust elbow

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by Northeaster, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Northeaster
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    Hi Folks,
    Bought a Cummins 4BT, which is set up for keel cooling and dry exhaust. May keep keel cooling as building alumium hull, but will want to convert to wet exhaust (as going in smaller CC boat, and prefer wet exhaust).
    So, looking for Cummins part XS9042 or XS904200 (Exhaust Connection) which includes outlet / elbow, hoses ,clamps, etc or just part 3913419 (Connection, Exhaust Outlet) .
    Don't seem to come up on Ebay - there are dry exhaust outlets there, but not wet.
    Any thoughts on where to find one, or may consider Tigging one out of stainless pipe (or other suitable material) but would like to know more about what inside looks like - ie Does the water injection inlet go directly into the larger pipe, or is there an inner pipe, which shields the water from getting back up into the exhaust valves and head - My Yanmar 2GM is likle that.
    Any help would be appreciated!
  2. WestVanHan
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    WestVanHan Not a Senior Member

    IIRC there is/was a guy on youtube that has a nice long video on how to DIY.

    There's always Alibaba and China...
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Try here,

    arine Exhaust Systems of Alabama, Inc.
    Exact replacement water cooled manifolds, wet mannifolds, risers, elbows, heat exchangers, on-line catalog with price list, Key Marine, Kay Industries, Coopers ...
    ‎Online Catalog - ‎Pics - ‎Sendure - ‎Trident marine wet exhaust ...
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  4. Northeaster
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    thanks for the help! Fast-Fred - that link doesn't seem to work, but anyway - found some good videos on youtube.
    I also got a quote on one, but at nearly $1000, I think I will just tig one together myself, from 304 or 316 stainless. It really does not look that complicated with one pipe inside another, some holes for water to come out aft end, and inlet for water to enter. I could get a muffler shop or machine shop to make any elbow / bends required ,and just do the above pipe inside a pipe within a straight piece - then tig my pipe on one end of elbow and exhaust flange on another. I would think I would come in under $100 and a day's hobby welding work.

    May wait until engine is mocked up in boat, in case I need to put and extra turn or some additional height in it, before it goes towards muffler/ stern.

    Appreciate any further advice or help!
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2013
  5. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Design your injection water jacket so that there is no, or very little standing water in it after you shut the engine down. Stainless corrodes rapidly...particularly at weld s....when exposed to Deoxygenated, stagnant seawater.
  6. Chuck Losness
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    Chuck Losness Senior Member

    When I was looking to have a wet exhaust elbow made for my Perkins 4108 I ran across this site that sells pre-bent tubing for airplane exhaust. Here is the link:


    Good luck with your project.
  7. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    www.mesamarine.com is in business, the link given by FF contains some characters that should not be there.
  8. Northeaster
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    thanks! Checked out the aircraft parts site ( can at least compare their elbow prices with what a local company wants to bend / provide similar product, if I decide to make my own from parts) and emailed Mesamarine for quote.
  9. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Water cooled jackets become rapidly clogged when hot exhaust gas is cooled. Consider this if you build your own.
  10. Northeaster
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    Michael - Can you please elaborate a bit on that point. If I build my own, it would basically be a copy of a stock one or a professionally built aftermarket one like pictured below. If there are millions of these in service around the world, with water cooled jackets, how would mine suffer worse clogging from the hot gasses than the others (I am not saying this with an attitude- just trying to understand if there is something specific to avoid).
    I realize any wet exhaust elbow can have soot building up and clogging over time, and I woudl plan on inspecting it every 2-3 years or so.

    I did get your comment about avoiding stagnant standing water, and would definitely make it so the water could drain away when idle.

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  11. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Visit Seaboard Marine's website, they have some good reading on the subject, there's more to designing a wet exhaust system than meets the eye.
    Also they would be a good source to purchase the part from.
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Osco Motors Corp: Home Page

    These folks and many others will have stock wet U or Elbows that fit std pipe.
  13. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Many center console boats have inadequate space to properly route the exhaust from an inboard engine. You may well need a dry riser before the wet elbow, or risk water intrusion damage to your new powerplant.
    What is the measurement from the bottom of the turbo outlet to the waterline?
  14. Northeaster
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    Northeaster Senior Member

    Just starting to build/ weld the frames in the next couple of weeks. Will be a few months before I can have the hull sheets at least tacked in place, and be able to flip it over and mock up the engine placement, clearances, etc.
    I will loook t osee if I need a riser at that time. That is the main reason I am holding off on building a wet elbow now - I don't really know what angle, height, et will work best.

  15. Carteret
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    Carteret Senior Member

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