OMC Stringer Transom Seal / Boot Replacement Problem

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by SoccerGuy3, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. SoccerGuy3
    Joined: Jun 2024
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    SoccerGuy3 New Member

    I recently replaced the floor in my 1976 Merlin with a OMC Stringer outdrive. I am now reassembling and ran into a problem putting in the new transom seal.

    No issues getting the seal itself positioned into the groove (channel), but when I try to tighten down the band clamp it hangs up on the edge of the groove. The rubber is fully seated into the groove, but the clamp just won’t sit fully in. I can get it in properly at the top, but the rest of the way around it seems to just catch the lip of the channel. If I loosen the clamp, I can pull it back into position in the groove, but as soon as I start to tight the clamp, it walks its way toward the motor and onto the lip of the groove.

    Is this normal? Seems like the clamp should sit down into that groove for proper seal. Any tricks to getting this to stay where it belongs? Do I need a new clamp?
  2. seasquirt
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    seasquirt Senior Member

    Try some rubber grease in the seal's clamp groove. Don't be tempted to use auto grease, rubber grease won't harm the seal material.
  3. SoccerGuy3
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    SoccerGuy3 New Member

    Just for clarity, are you saying put it between the housing and the rubber OR between the rubber and the clamp?
  4. seasquirt
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    seasquirt Senior Member

    Between the rubber and the clamp, so the clamp doesn't drag the seal with it so much. If you grease the housing it will probably slip out of position even more.

  5. SoccerGuy3
    Joined: Jun 2024
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    SoccerGuy3 New Member

    Thank you! I'll give it try and see if that helps.
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