Offshore 33 Ketch Mast Relocation

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by klmiller37, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. klmiller37
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    klmiller37 Junior Member

    So glad I found this forum, any help would be greatly appreciated. I bought an Offshore 33 ketch that has had its forward mast broke off in a storm and is gone. I only have the main mast which has no stays and wishbone boom. So far, my search for a replacement has been fruitless. Short of somehow finding a replacement, or spending a small fortune on having one made, what would be my best, inexpensive option? Could I relocate the remaining mast and make it a sloop or would it be fine where it is? Or would I be better off buying a used mast and stays? Or ????
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    Which Offshore 33 do you have? I know of a few at least. If this is a Scott, there's not an inexpensive option. If it's the Choy Lee, you might find a used one.

    I'll assume it's the Scoot, because you refer to having lost the forward mast, but still have the main. The forward mast on a ketch is the main, though with the cat ketch rig on the Scott, they're both about the same size, though technically the mizzen (aft most mast) is a wee bit smaller than the fore. These are aluminum masts if memory serves me properly, but not a typical extrusion, being unstayed. Some will tell you an aluminum flag pole will do, but they'd be quite incorrect.

    The first thing you need to do is provide the HIN number, more importantly the MIC portion of the HIN (first three characters), so we can actually identify the boat. The title and registration will have this number and the boat will also have it embossed, into the upper right side of the transom.

    The Scott Offshore 33 was available as a sloop, but the rig is entirely different. The sloop was called the Offshore 33, while the cat ketch (what I think you have) was called the Wings 33 or similar.

    Post a photo of two, so we can talk apples to apples and no, you can't sail it very well as a sloop with the mizzen and some sort of rigged up headsail. Maybe as a weird proportioned cutter, but she'd likely be "lee" on you most of the time.
  3. klmiller37
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    klmiller37 Junior Member

    Thank you for the info PAR. I have not received the title and paperwork from the transaction yet, and I'm not near the boat. It's in TX and I'm in NC. I don't know if you'll be able to tell much from the pic. This pic is from the auction. The undersized trailer is just used by the yard to move boats around. I do have other pics though. She has had a lot of money spent on her. Would it be okay to buy a sloop with all the rigging and make her a sloop? They go on ebay for less than a $1k all the time. Thanks again for the help.

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  4. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    What exactly "goes on Ebay for under $1K all the time"?

    used masts or all the rigging?
  5. klmiller37
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    klmiller37 Junior Member

    Entire boats. Usually with hull damage or a bad motor, etc...
  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Making the ketch to sloop conversion, may not be as simple as a new rig. It's likely you'll need portions of a new liner, a structural grid, chain plate relocations, etc., none of which is easy or cheap.
  7. klmiller37
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    klmiller37 Junior Member

    So my best bet is to find another mast somewhere. Any ideas?
  8. klmiller37
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    klmiller37 Junior Member

    PAR, looking at pics of Cheoy Lee's, mine is a Scott. The Main mast is all the way forward about 2 ft from bow. The mizzen is between the first and second portlights from the stern. Both masts appeared to be the same diameter as the lower section is still there.
  9. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Given the Scott sail plan shows similar size main and mizzen area, this wouldn't be a big surprise. What is the boat's HIN?
  10. klmiller37
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    klmiller37 Junior Member

    I don't have it yet. Hopefully it'll be in the mail soon. Otherwise I'll be going to Texas in about 10 days.
  11. PAR
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    We'll assume it's the Scott, but finding such an odd spar isn't going to be easy. It's an older design (early 70's) and I don't think they made very many of these cat ketches.
  12. klmiller37
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    klmiller37 Junior Member

    Could I leave the mizzen where it is, add a stay all around and run her as a sloop? I'm sure without a stay, the stress of a jib would be too much for the single mast. It would be approx 3-4 ft aft of where it probably should be located.
  13. PAR
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    With some sailing experence, you'd know the result of a plan, like you've suggested.
  14. Tanton37
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    Tanton37 Junior Member


    I have 2 carbon fiber freestanding masts for sale. You can contact me at
    catketchme (AT)gmaildotcom

  15. ChadRider
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    ChadRider Junior Member

    Two who know about freestanding masts

    Eric Sponberg who worked with TPI on Freedoms and others

    Robert Ayliffe of Norwalk Island Sharpie fame.

    Both have sources for new masts and Eric has a technique for building them.

    Also, look at the Nonsuch boards. They used to use aluminum unstayed masts and there are lots of them sailing around.

    Maybe you can find a soggy Freedom 33 which has a very similar sail plan or possibly a Herreshoff 33 (but those were more main-biased).

    You will, probably, need to dig into your pocketbook to put this boat right!!

    Chad Rider
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