Offset Table

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Michael Apollo, Dec 20, 2024.

  1. Michael Apollo
    Joined: Dec 2024
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    Michael Apollo New Member

    Hello Good people,
    I am a undergraduate student in Naval architecture and I do my final year project in the design of bulk carrier. Untill now I have completed parametric design. I plan to move on with hull form design. I am good in Generating Hull forms using Offset tables of previous bulk carrier design. I tried to search on the internet I didn't find anything affordable. So please Can anyone help me with Offset tables of a bulk carrier with lpb of 72 m or above
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    These questions keep on coming up from students. It seems like your project is to generate a table of offsets. If you have a parametric design, is that not a hull form? Your software should be able to generate the tables.
    rwatson and DCockey like this.
  3. Michael Apollo
    Joined: Dec 2024
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    Michael Apollo New Member

    Let me try
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