Obsolete Mercruiser Installation Drawings

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by 67-LS1, Mar 17, 2023.

  1. 67-LS1
    Joined: Aug 2003
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    67-LS1 Senior Member

    I’m rebuilding a boat from the stringers up and would like to have a copy of the engine/transmission installation drawing. Similar to what I’m sure Mercruiser provided to customers and OEM’s when the engines were new. For conversation mine is a 1984 7.4 liter (454) 340 MIE, V-Drive.
    Things like weights, dimensions, angles, stringer to engine CL, exhaust outlet in relation to the waterline, etc, etc. Even specs like required air CFM, fuel line sizes, etc, were probably spec’s somewhere.
    I’ve contacted Mercury Classic Information and they only go back to the late 90’s which by then had a different trans/V-drive setup, different motor mounts, different exhaust manifolds, etc.
    The boat OEM (Century) is a strike too (two?) because they’ve changed hands a few times between then and now.
    Is anyone aware of any other classic document depository I might be able to check? Museum? Collector? Former Mercruiser employees? Maybe a 1984-1985 era complete line installation manual?
    I don’t “need” it. But I want it.
  2. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    If you cannot get the dedicated Merc installation manual, the Volvo D6 installation manual, which I have found on line a couple of times deals with some your general queries
    "Even specs like required air CFM, fuel line sizes, etc, were probably spec’s somewhere." They discuss in quite a bit of depth these items with respect to various horsepower and gas and diesel engines. Ventilation to enhance cooling of the engine enclosure as well as ventilation for combustion. I believe that they also go into some depth wrt to the actual ambient pressure that you might want to maintain within the engine enclosure.
    While specific to Volvo, they also deal with fuel tank sizing, installation, (though my old copy would not be up to date with the new enviro laws for venting) But a pretty good basic non engine denominational

    Wrt to the height of the engine exhaust, this will be predicated for the most part to the outlet of the exhaust once the engine is installed. Of course, risers can and more than likely in existence on your engines,
    will inhibit water intrusion into the engine with a fast stop or wave action.
  3. 67-LS1
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    67-LS1 Senior Member

    Thanks for the info. I found a 1988 Mercruiser “OEM manual” that has installation drawings for the entire line of that year. My preliminary comparison of the mounting parts for the two years (1984 and 1988) in on-line parts books appear to be the same so I’ve got my fingers crossed until the manual arrives.
    I’m not sure if it’s also going to contain technical data but as you mentioned, Volvo, or possibly Crusader and others that used the same 7.4 liter V8 may have some published data that could crossover.
  4. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    There a several websites that sell old manuals. But I found the one for my 1972 Mercuiser on ebay. There used to be a site, boatinfo.no that had them free as a PFD. You couldn't download them but you could print out pages. Unfortunately it's disappeared. Anyway, if it's genuine Mercruiser manual they have all the specs in the back of the manual.
  5. 67-LS1
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    67-LS1 Senior Member

    I have the two volume genuine Mercruiser Service Manual specific to my engine serial number and there are no installation specs. Not even a weight.
    I’m hoping the Mercruiser OEM manual I have coming will have additional data since it’s everything a boat builder needed to complete an installation per Mercruisers requirements.

  6. 67-LS1
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    67-LS1 Senior Member

    I received the OEM Installation Manual and while it has all of the information required to perform an installation per Mercruiser specifications and requirements, it does not include a dimensioned drawing.
    The search continues…
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