Nova Stylcraft 2100

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by Sam Hewitt, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. Sam Hewitt
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    Sam Hewitt New Member

    B9C350C2-D041-44EA-89FF-0F8D51551DE5.jpeg 0544B8F1-C24F-467B-8629-026D507EAF59.jpeg 3FE31198-7557-430B-A50A-9BA21B67F479.jpeg Hello all
    I have recently entered the trailer boat world having acquired a Nova Stylecraft 2100
    I know nothing of these boats apart from it is built very heavy and rides amazingly for a smaller boat than I have grown up on and operated over the years
    Any history or knowledge would greatly be appreciated
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Hello and welcome, that would be an early 1970's boat probably, about 19' length I'd say, closely related to Bertram, Huntsman, and the early Haines Hunters, with a similar deep vee hull. Naturally anything of that age may have structural issues, so may pay to go over it in search of rot in timber components. Nova had a 25 footer that was quite similar to the Bertram 25 back in those days, but also smaller boats down to about 15 feet.
  3. Sam Hewitt
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    Sam Hewitt New Member

    Thanks for your input
    It would appear to be a 21 footer, transom strong and stringers solid
    It has a late model 200 saltwater series Yamaha bolted on and is perfectly matched
    I have seen the same boat advertised as nova Bertram , mustang 21 and have been told the Haines 21ce is the same hull
    This is my first foray into glass trailer boats having spent my sea time on 40 foot and larger commercial fishing boats
    I am very impressed with its sea keeping ability
    Can anyone give me any history
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Have you accurately measured it ? Definitely not the same hull as a Haines 213. I'd say the nearest thing to it would be a Huntsman 19, looks near identical to me. Your boat isn't 21' to my eye. Those old boats certainly ride well enough, and are seaworthy, maybe a little wetter than some later boats.

    Huntsman 19.jpg

    Huntsman 19 A.jpg
  5. Sam Hewitt
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    Sam Hewitt New Member

    You got me to thinking so measured from top of stem to transom and she comes in at a fraction over 21 foot
    I have after searching the net also now seen this boat advertised as a Bertram 21, mustang 21 and stylecraft 21
    Bit confusing as the sticker on the side of mine reads “ Nova stylecraft 21” not to sure what the go is there
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Long time ago now, but I seem to recall Nova and Huntsman were associated. There was no 21' Bertram, the Mustang 21 not the same, and there was no 21' Huntsman I know of, just a 19 and a 23 in that range. I'm still thinking what you have is a re-badged Huntsman 19. Maybe 21' around the gunnel, they did funny stuff like that back in the day. Anyway, it is whatever it is, and if structurally sound, should be serviceable.
  7. Matt Remo
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    Matt Remo Junior Member

    Hey Guys I believe we have the same hull. 20180905_194429.jpg 20180822_174813.jpg
  8. brendan gardam
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    brendan gardam Senior Member

    Excellent boat. They ride softer and are drier than later model boats. I had 1 with a 6 cylinder volvo 170, fantastic seaboat. I also had the 18 ft version which was great too but the 21 has much more room.
  9. brendan gardam
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    brendan gardam Senior Member

    they were 21ft. There are lots of them around. Great boats. Mine had mustang 2100 on the factory spec plate.
  10. brendan gardam
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    brendan gardam Senior Member

  11. Matt Remo
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    Matt Remo Junior Member

    Yer has a volvo penta 250hp . Bow thruster and has been fully rebuilt. It handles rough water as good as any smaller boat have been in.
  12. Matt Remo
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    Matt Remo Junior Member

    Ours has nova craft stylecraft 21 on plate
  13. Matt Remo
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    Matt Remo Junior Member

    It can comfortably do 18 knots in most weather offshore. Rides beautifully. 20200414_130322.jpg
  14. brendan gardam
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    brendan gardam Senior Member

    They are good, I used to trim the tabs down and cruise at 11 knts through just about any conditions. Did 28 flat out. A friend has it now, and it has been fitted with a volvo 130hp diesel.

  15. brendan gardam
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    brendan gardam Senior Member

    My 18 footer was a stylecraft nova. They were built in Melbourne and designed in Melbourne. Most of the deep v hulls back then could trace their roots back to Raymond Hunt. They were all pretty similar.
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