not happy

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by schionnin, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. schionnin
    Joined: Sep 2010
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    schionnin New Member

    how many people have had problems dealing with the company schionning?
  2. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Are your referring to Schionning Marine, the designs of Jeff Schionning? What are you concerns?
  3. BenSchionning
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    BenSchionning Junior Member

    I'd be interested to hear any criticisms of our service, unless you're talking about Spirited Designs (Craig Schionning)?
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I was attempting to "fish" for some more information on this Ben, but he's not replied since this original post, which is almost a year old now.
  5. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    perhaps he is happy now. :)

  6. BenSchionning
    Joined: Jun 2011
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    BenSchionning Junior Member

    Well lets just assume he's happy, it doesn't seem he got much of a resounding response - which I'm glad to see! :D
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