Nordson 1960

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Nordson1960, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. mubbets
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    mubbets Junior Member

    I posted a message earlier stating that the finish of epoxy and glass was perfect, but that was untill I rolled my boat outside :-((
  2. roderik74
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    roderik74 Junior Member

    Hi Eric,

    I'm verry interested in your work on your Nordson.
    I'm bussy to make the workplace in the garage at my parents place so i can work inside.
    I've got a mail by Nordborg about my Nordson. It was build in 1961 and it's an Nordson Nereid.also i've got some copies of the selling folder in German with (i think) dutch prices.I can send it to you if you would like.
    (Here's one too in Dordrecht: )
    Grtz Roderik

    My e-mail:
  3. henrik_mustang
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    henrik_mustang New Member

    Danish Nordson

    Hi Eric and Roderik.
    I have restored a Nordson. I restored it 5 years ago, but I only found out today what the name of the boat was...
    Unfortunately, I had to replace the entire deck. It looks amazing now, but it's not original.
    Also I replaced the windshield into a chris craft era style windshield.
    It's an amazing boat to cruise. Good luck on your restoration... You will forget all the hard work once the boat is in the water...

  4. henrik_mustang
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    henrik_mustang New Member

  5. Ava1anche
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    Ava1anche New Member


    I found a Nordson Cruiser 1963 for about EUR5,800 for sale. Seems to be in reasonably good condition, I'm finding out if the motor works.
    What do you think!? I just liked the look of it and thinking of buying on impulse...googled Nordson and came accross your discussion. Appreciate any advice.
    thanks - Brian

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  6. henrik_mustang
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    henrik_mustang New Member

    Buying a Nordson

    Hi Brian.
    Buying a wooden boat isn't about money, but time.
    Be prepared to spend many hours every season to put it in the water.
    Is the price reasonable? Hard to say! I got mine for Eur. 600 without engine.
    But I had to replace the entire deck... You decide wether you can afford the time and money needed.
    Once that is said... theres no feeling like cruising a '60 wooden boat. Especially a Nordson.
    Good luck.
  7. roderik74
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    roderik74 Junior Member

    Hi guys,

    It's nice to see some people who think the same about this kind of boats.I've begun to restore my nordson a few weeks ago.i don't have a lot of time at this moment so it will take a while before its done.I started with scraping off the hull below the waterline which is i think some kind of polyester which comes off verry hard(advice someone?).maybe i have to restore a piece of the hull.The decks need to be replaced and also the interieur needs to be refit.
    @Henrik: the chris craft windshield is perfect i think, but where did you get it? I haven't got a windshield with my nordson.
    I bought all this including a trailer and outboard engine for €500,-. The engine is an 25hp Crescent Marin (same as Achimedes/volvo/penta) from 1974.I don't know if i will keep the engine, i would like to have some more power.
    Enough talking! here some pics:

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  8. Ava1anche
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    Ava1anche New Member

    Based on your purchase prices, I'm thinking the price tag on the Cruiser I found is a bit too much, eh..?!
    It's in pretty good condition as u can see from the photos. It's been out of the water in storage for 15 years, but still needs some work done to it and lacks a motor!
    What do u think..?
    thanks - Brian
  9. henrik_mustang
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    henrik_mustang New Member

    Advise on restoring your boat.

    Hi Roderik.
    Congrats on your new boat.

    The hull: It's hard work removing old paint or some kind of polyester. Actually it's not good for the boat with polyester below waterline to keep it floating...! The wood will rot from the inside if polyester is used. So get rid of it. Use paint made for wooden boats below waterline.

    Windshield: I bought my windshield via Search: "windshield brackets" - some of them are quite expensive, so look out for a good offer.

    The deck: The deck on your nordson is the original deck. I would advise you to restore it in the same way as the original. My deck were already destroyed, when I bought my boat, so I made a totally new one.

    The engine: I only have 20 HP on my Nordson. It's enough to get it on top of the water, but it's actually not heavy enough to level the boat correctly in the water, when 2 adults is in the front of the boat. So a good argument for a larger engine is not power, but weight! I've been told it takes up till 75 HP.
    But I would think 50 HP is more than enough to have some fun.

  10. roderik74
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    roderik74 Junior Member

    Hello again, here's an update of my work on my Nordson Nereid.

    In the last few months i'm almost ready with peeling of the outside of the hull. I've found out that about 30% needs to be refitted by new wood. In the next weeks i'm going to saw a piece of the hull out and refit new wood.Than i will turn it over and scrape the inside so that hopefully i can begin with epoxy and the decks in the spring.

    Keep you informed.
    Grtz Ro


    I wonder if you have bought the Nordson boat? If not, i've found one on in Holland. It needs some work but the price is much more interesting i think?
  11. tubart
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    tubart New Member

    After Restauration a 1960 Nordson looks liek this

    I'm quite astonished to find an even bigger number of Nordson enthusiasts in this tread.


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  12. shumi
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    shumi New Member

    another nordson in nl

    hello everyone,

    for a change: ladies restoring a wooden beauty. check out our private blog with photos from the process. no long stories, just images!

    and indeed once it is in the water it becomes even more beautiful and worth all the work!


    two freaks from amsterdam :)
  13. roderik74
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    roderik74 Junior Member

    Hello again,

    Here is another update of the work on my Nordson.
    I found out that the hull is in such bad shape that it needs to be restored including the keel an transom. On this point i've made holes in the hull to past in the templates to build a new hull. The templates are fixed all together to be sure of a strong structure when the rest of the hull will be disambled. I have ordered 15mmX30mm Mahagony wood for the rebuilding. I hope to start with the rebuild round xmas.

    Some pics:

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  14. Celvin
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    Celvin New Member

    nordson restauratie

    Hallo Roderick,
    Ik ben ook bezig met een nordson en zou graag een keer willen kijken.
    Bij mijn Nordson hebben ze de tafeltjes eruit gezaagd e.d. ik zou graag wat maten nemen van jouw bootje omdat deze nog helemaal intakt is.

    grtz, celvin


  15. mubbets
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    mubbets Junior Member

    update from Nordson restoration

    Hi 'everybody that owns a Nordson',

    I am very pleasantly surprised by the new posts about the Nordson boats in Holland. Apparently there are a few out here.

    I recently restarted my endless list of shores on my boat. The status is now that I am working on the interior of the boat. I have laminated two main panels in the cabin that must act as structural members and to give the boat stifness. They also are the backrests for the benches. I have also put in a 'crash panel' in the front of the boat to give it some strength in the bow.

    The outside of the hull below the waterline has received 3 layers of heavy glass set in epoxy. The inside of the hull got two layers of the same fabric and 7 layers to the bow section. I think it will be indestructable...;-)

    The stern also has received several layers of glass and epoxy to make sure that the motor does not tare the whole thing apart.

    Now I am working on the dashboard and the floorboard rests in the bottom of the boat. The interior wood of the hull is not that smart anymore so I think about painting it completely dark marine blue. The bench seats will be a cream white leather and the rest of the boat will be mahogany of course.

    This week I bought a gas handle and a sweet pair of clamps in a awesome retro style. I am really looking forward to mounting them.

    Further headaches: the deck (is rotten at the bow, but OK further aft), the window (where to get a nice one?), time, time, time....;-)

    Planning: used to be 'this year', but is always a moving target I am afraid.

    Ciao, Eric
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