Nordson 1960

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Nordson1960, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. Nordson1960
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    Nordson1960 Junior Member

    Nordson 1960
    I own a 1960 nordson and now very little about this boat I know there is one in a muuseum in denmark and thats about it the company is supposed to be norwegian and makes rowing boats but they dont know they have build it anymore so if anyonee has more info please help
  2. Dansan
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    Dansan New Member

    I also have a Nordson 1960. The boat was built in Denmark by Nordborg Baadebyggeri A/S. You may find them on the net at or mail them at
    I gave them the serial number on my boat and in return i received the boats entire history.

    Take care of the boat there aren´t to many of them out there.

  3. fortabat
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    fortabat New Member


    I have a boat but i don't know the constructor.
    Some people said me that is a NORDSON . It's a dinghy , 4.97m.
    Can you send me some views of yours and give me your mail , so i'll send the views of my boat.
  4. fortabat
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  5. Nordson1960
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    Nordson1960 Junior Member

    it doesnt look anything like mine or other I have seen but that doesnt mean it isn't one look for the reg nr on yr dash
  6. phammer
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    phammer New Member

    Hello Nordson1960, Dansan, and fortabat,

    My father used to have a Nordson speedboat, constructed of a combination of mahogany and Danish oak (purchased in 1969). Unfortunately my father’s family was supposed to look after the boat while we have been in Europe for the past 30 years, but they let it rot and they say the motor seized up! As my father would like to re-live his glory days, I would like to hear from you please please please if you have been/are thinking of selling your Nordson!!!! Please let me know! Or perhaps you know of some boat dealers who might have one? Thanks!
  7. mubbets
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    mubbets Junior Member

    Hi, I recently bought a complete wreck of a Nordson boat! It was lying outside at a yacht brokes yard. It appear a bare teak hull, but scraping of some of the weathered wood reveiled a perfect mahogany surface. I bought it as 'firewood' of the guy and am now in the process of restoring the hull.

    The hull is in good constructive condition above the waterline. I fixed the holes in the hull below the waterline and am now sanding the hull.

    I am planning to cover the hull with epoxy and glass to make it bulletproof and very stiff as it has no stiffeness at all at this moment. As the boat cannot be returned to its original state in my opinion, I am planning to make a retro look with carbon fibre and chrome details.

    If anyone is interested, I can mail some pics of the restoration process.

    Ciao, Eric
  8. mubbets
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    mubbets Junior Member

    restoration project of the Nordson 1960

    Dear readers (if any),

    I have stated that it appeared impossible to bring the boat in its original state, but it turns out to be more or less feasible to keep the looks traditional and close to the design.

    Please let me know if you are interested in pictures.

    Gr, Eric
  9. tubart
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    tubart New Member


    Looks like there still are a couple of Nordson Speedboats out there!

    I own a 1960s 17 feet mahogany speedboat. Condition is still quit good.

    I want to refit the boat within the next 2 years - but there's still work to do with my small sailingboat.

    Eric, I would be interested in the pictures. It may well be a good idea to built a small website during the process of restauration.

  10. tubart
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    tubart New Member

    Nordson Offer on NL Bootsmarket

    Hi PHammer,

    i recently found an ad offering a Nordson runabout.

    search Nordson
  11. phammer
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    phammer New Member

    Nordson Ad

    Hi Tubart (Tom),

    Many thanks for taking the time to provide. I will check it out on the Dutch website - the Nordson was originally meant to be a gift for my father who was in ill-health at the time and has sinced passed away, but perhaps I will be able to purchase one and enjoy in his memory.

    All the best
    PHammer (Pete)
  12. perre
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    perre New Member

    i wonder if anyone in sweden have a nordson speedboat
  13. mubbets
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    mubbets Junior Member

    Hi there,

    As mentioned before, I own a wreck of a Nordson. Or maybe I must say, I used to own a wreck, and now I own a real Nordson. I am restoring the boat and it already starts to look very much OK. I will try to find some time somewhere and post some pics of the boat in its present condition. I have covered the hull now in expoxy and transparant fibreglass and it looks perfect. The other side will be done around Xmas. Afterwards, I will turn the hull and will start on the inside of the boat. So far, so good I would say. The appearance of the mahogany is wonderful.

    Ciao, Eric
  14. roderik74
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    roderik74 Junior Member

    hi, Last week i bought an Nordson (i think a 1960?) and i want to restaurate it. Has anyone from you still the boat in use? It's hard to find information about this boat.

    @ Mubbets, Eric are you still working on your Nordson? Maybe you could give me some information about the restalling with some pic?
    You're from holland?

    Grtz Roderik

  15. mubbets
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    mubbets Junior Member

    nordson 1960 status

    Hi Roderik,

    I'll reply in English, although we are both Dutch I guess.

    With some periods in between, I am still working hard on my Nordson. I have mainly attempted to glass the hull on the outside in a perfect clear finish so you can see the mahogany through. However, either I am very critical or the systems I have used are just not OK for this dark wood. There were always air bubbles visible in the laminate and I peeled it off 5(!) times. I followed a workshop at a canoe builder and ordered a DVD from the states: nothing worked and I am done glassing to a clear finish.

    I have now taken a different approach. I am now glassing the hull below the waterline with 3 layers of 280 gr/m2 glass and epoxy resin. This is progressing OK and the hull is becoming very strong. The next step is to turn the hull and glass the complete inside with 2 layers of glass. Thereafter, I will fit frames and make the hull stiff. Finally, the interior and decking will be done.

    If you are interested, maybe you can give me your e-mail address? I will the send some pictures.

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