Nordic Halman 20

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Rob Cowell, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. Rob Cowell
    Joined: Apr 2021
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    Rob Cowell Junior Member

    9BB0B555-0060-4B57-85D7-DD2186984D40.jpeg 8B671F69-95AF-4F0A-B35F-3A40A28639C8.png 5926E5A0-1E78-4CF8-98AA-91B070933A99.png Greetings!

    I’m searching for folk with knowledge on the Halman 20. I have read a thread or two on this site where some seem to be quite knowledgeable.

    I am considering taking in project to resurrect a neglected 20 or 21 and was hoping for some insight about some observations.

    First, bow-spirit or anchor platform... factory or someone’s project?

    Second, cover/rub rail missing on deck-hull joint?

    Third, crack/seam along bottom 1/3 of keel?

    are these signs that would suggest to steer clear?
    Thank you,
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2021
  2. Rob Cowell
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    Rob Cowell Junior Member

    If anyone knows how to reach Viking North member could you please ask him to review this thread? It sounds like he may have used to be a dealer for these boats. Thanks!!
  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Rob.

    For other readers reference, here is some background info on the Halman 20 -

    The Halman 21 seems to have the bowsprit (hence the extra 1' of length?)
    Here is one for sale -
    Halman 21, 1984, Hinckley, Ohio, sailboat for sale from Sailing Texas, yacht for sale

    Can you post some photos showing the area of the hull / deck joint where the rubbing strake is missing?

    And also a photo or two of the crack along the keel?
  4. Rob Cowell
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    Rob Cowell Junior Member

  5. Rob Cowell
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    Rob Cowell Junior Member

    I did go see the boat yesterday and would appreciate more advice... again if anyone is able to PM Viking North (I can't seem to figure out how) I would appreciate his input.

    After viewing the vessel here are a few more observations:
    - interior has been taken apart (all teak remains) and it looks as if headliner and ?Balsa? have been removed... the underneath of the deck fiberglass seems smooth and lightly translucent...
    - it looks as if someone was going to try and tackle the hull-deck joint... and I am not sure if they got to it... it is currently fastened with rivets... I notice a few missing and some gaps (where you could see bare glass in-between the crack) near the stern
    - had original main sail (#566) and three smaller head-sails (No Genoa?) with insufficient luff/leech to reach the masthead, also had a spinnaker
    - crack on the keel seems to run along a joint between the hull glass and some sort of skeg?
    - some hull deformation around trailer post supports... (not resting on keel?)

    From my observations come questions for those knowledgeable:
    1. Would there have typically been balsa under the head-liner? Is this difficult to re-install?
    2. What was originally used to fasten hull-deck joint? Any signs to look for that would indicate it was re-done (e.g. rivets original?)
    3. Is it possible this was a cutter-rig? (I've heard they existed)... did the cutter have 3-headsail (jib, bowsprit, flying) configuration?
    4. Is the hull deformation and skeg separation bad news?
    5. Is she too far gone? Any thoughts on salvageability and what, if anything would be a reasonable offer?

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I have just sent a PM to Viking North, and asked him to have a look at this thread.
    However his profile says that he has not been seen on here since March last year, so maybe he has retired from the Forum.

    Re the removed headliner, there would not have been any balsa in this - it is quite possible that there is a balsa core in the fibreglass laminate of the cabin top though.

    Re the hull / deck joint, it was common practice to join this with rivets, or countersunk head bolts with nuts on the inside, and with some type of sealant between the two surfaces.
    Can you post some 'close up' photos of the areas of concern please?

    And re the crack on the keel, and the hull being set in (possibly) in way of the trailer post supports, can you post some close up photos of these areas as well please?

    Re if 'she is too far gone', the beauty of fibreglass is that it is infinitely repairable - you have to decide if it makes economic sense now to restore this vessel.
    If you are very keen on her, then a reasonable offer might be to take her off the Owner's hands for a very small sum.
    However the current owner probably still thinks that she is worth a lot of money.
  7. Rob Cowell
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    Rob Cowell Junior Member


    Once again I am thankful for your reply. I am hopeful Viking may have some specific insights into the ways these vessels were originally laid up.

    I have attached some pictures of the hull/deck joint and of the keel that I took while there. Unfortunately I did not get a great shot of the keel or hull being ‘set in’. The crack runs the full length and it appears to be metal below... It did not appear significant hull deformation and I take your point re fiberglass repair!

    Again, your replies are appreciated!

    Keel.jpeg C6F80D56-6175-496B-82DD-363CE7BB3A8E.jpeg 9D9F732F-9295-4E0F-B45E-26C3B10D089F.jpeg 3C9233AC-2A37-428E-B17A-56D2F3E9F964.jpeg

    Attached Files:

  8. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Rob, My recommendation --From the photos ,stay away from it , just too much work, been there done that. As a dealer for them, one big problem with these boats is they were never properly finished from the factory . A beautiful design but never built to the quality they should have been. Not that they could not be improved into a nice little coastal cruiser but look for one that is in reasonable shape to start. If you find one, I will guide you thru the modifications and improvements that will help make it the boat it should be. We modified about 20 over the years . Typical price for a good starter would be in the $5000. range. In essence this is a pocket motorsailer due to the fact that it struggles to come about and go to windward. Having said that I think it is one of the best sea boats within her size range. They have been sailed across the Atlantic. There were several here for sale over the past year, one I recall had a single cylinder inboard diesel. Be patient and you will find one especially in Ontario.
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  9. Rob Cowell
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    Rob Cowell Junior Member

    Thank you!!! The advice is much appreciated and confirms my initial thoughts :)

    I’ll keep an eye out for others!

    Just out of curiosity ... was there a cutter rig? What was sail configuration?
  10. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Can't recall ever seeing a cutter rig. If you google search you should have no problem getting all the specks on it. There are presently two for sale on Kijiji Nova Scotia.
  11. Xsalty
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    Xsalty New Member

    Hi there...
    Sorry to hijack the thread, I'm likely going to buy a little Halman 20 tomorrow or next weekend. Will be to initiate my son single handed sailing and have something ready to go around the house. I'm also hoping to practise boat repair/improvement on this before I attemps doing things myself I have never done on my real boat. e.i. glass lay up, adding hardware to deck/hull, etc...

    I'm really curious what the common or usual modifications on Halman 20 are, as mentionned by viking north.

    My first idea was to make and install a bow sprit with an anchor roller and see if it would be possible to convert it in a cutter rig with a removable baby stay.

    What else are you guys doing to these little boats?

  12. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Hello Xsalty--
    Common mods.
    #1 remove the 800lb. of rusted steel balls or punch outs and replace with 1000lb. lead bits set in resin. 800lbs. steel is ok for fresh water but found salt water needs 1000lb. ballast. Also lead will lower the cent . of gravity .
    #2 Install custom build anchor roller.
    #3 Install a main sheet traveler /horse.
    #4 install proper bronze seacocks on all thru hulls with double all stainless hose clamps on the hose to seacock barbs.
    #5 Install roller furling .
    #6 install a hardwood backing block inside the stem for the bow eye.
    #7 If not already done at the factory glass the hull to deck joint on the inside of the hull.
    #8 re wire with marine wiring .
    These are the biggies but as you know it can be never ending. Good luck -Have fun -- Viking N.
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  13. CaptnJoe
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    CaptnJoe New Member

    Hi Viking North

    I'm also considering a restoration project on a Nordica 20. I'm thinking you'd suggest the same list?

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

    Kitchener, Ontario
    Considering getting into sailing with a Nordica 20.
  14. TRBRZ
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    TRBRZ Junior Member

    Hello, I just bought a Nordica 20. Very solid boat. Needs some tlc and cleaning but all of the important parts of the boat are in great shape. Do you have a Nordica 20 and if so, how is the project going?

    Cheers TRB

  15. CaptnJoe
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    CaptnJoe New Member

    I've seen 2 for sale - Barrie and Ottawa - did you get either of those? I'm looking at the Grampian 26 now (my better half wants the head and headroom). I think you've got a great little ship there. I still think that's the best little boat you can get.
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