Nordic Boat Standards

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by nevilleh, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. nevilleh
    Joined: Sep 2008
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    nevilleh Junior Member

    Has anyone here had any experience with construction of a vessel to 'Nordic Boat Standards for Commercial Boats'?

    Im interested in finding out whats involved. I understand that DNV oversee the construction, but I wonder to what degree?

    Would it be to the same extent as a fully classed vessel?

    Would be grateful if anyone has some first hand information, although I suppose contacting DNV will be the next step! $$$$$

  2. iceboater
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    iceboater Junior Member

    Here in Iceland all commercial boats are built to the Nordic boat standard.
    This is a link to english version in 2 parts. It pretty much explains everything involved.

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  3. nevilleh
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    nevilleh Junior Member

    Hi Axel,

    I have read the standards but I cant quite understand where the size cutoff is for the vessel to be built 'under survey' or only for a final survey.

    I suppose I should probably clarify everything with the Norwegian Maritime Dictorate & DNV before I jump to assumptions !

  4. iceboater
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    iceboater Junior Member

    I am not aware of size cutoff regarding being built under survey or only having final survey. This explains it.
    "Where because of insulation and lack of accessibility, etc it is not possible to carry out a complete examination during the final survey the producer shall apply for additional examination during the building period."
    We sign up with independent surveying company that visits out building facilities on regular bases and makes reports to the Icelandic maritime authority.


  5. meren
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    meren Junior Member

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