Nonsuch 33 vs Ticon 34

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Gvidon, Feb 7, 2022.

  1. Gvidon
    Joined: Jan 2019
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    Gvidon Junior Member

    I love cat rigged sailboats and I especially love Nonsuch sailboats. I was very interested in Nonsuch 33. And then I came across Ticon 34 (Bruce Kirby design) and I started having second thoughts. Now, is Ticon a new, original design, or is it errrr...a Nonsuch "inspired" sailboat? Not having sailed on either of the two, I find the Ticon esthetics very appealing - more so than Nonsuch. But beyond looks, which do you think is a superior boat?
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    For easy reference for other readers, here is some info on the Ticon 34- - TICON 34 Sailboat


    Here is a link to a video tour of a Ticon 34

    And some info on the Nonsuch 33 - - NONSUCH 33 Sailboat


    Here is a video about a Nonsuch 33 that was for sale (now sold)

    @Gvidon you ask which is the 'superior' boat - but I think it comes down to which one appeals to you the most.
    And if there is one of each for sale, and you are comparing them, and like them both fairly equally, then see which one is better equipped, and/or has newer sail(s), engine, vs their asking prices.
    There are pros and cons for the cat sloop rig and for the ketch rig.
  3. Gvidon
    Joined: Jan 2019
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    Gvidon Junior Member

    Yes, I saw the video. I think Ticon wins on looks. And ketch rigging has some clear advantages. Mr. Kirby passed on recently and can't answer any questions. I've noticed that used Nonsuch sailboats are quite pricey and Nonsuch 33, on average, is more expensive than Ticon 34 (there's only one Ticon 34 that is for sale that I'm aware of) Does it mean that Nonsuch, in general, is of higher quality?
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