Non-foiling trimarans under 20'

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Tom Makes Things, Sep 25, 2019.

  1. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member


    I probably baited you.
    As I said, your father was a hero of mine for a long time.
    I still remember the quote in his first book about building a tri with a huge centerboard to investigate what was required. Still have the book.
    After becoming an engineer I thought about that as a realistic, practical way to develop a product.
    Something that many engineers I know don't have a clue about.
    I sailed one up on the Salish Sea as a rental. The wind was blowing, and I had a real concern that I wasn't getting back to the dock, with my wife and son waiting for me in the car. It might have affected my opinion.
    I did look at the website to see about buying one. There is remarkably nothing on the website except come buy one.
    Nothing about it being designed for rental/vacation where you have to design for the lowest common denominator.
    And the nearest one was 1000mi away.
  2. 2flit
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    2flit Junior Member

    What length was Francois thinking he could stretch he design up to? I'm interested because we have a rocky shore that would make a larger boat possible only if we could carry the parts down and put them together on shore. I like the Kanka and have hopes for the design, it's just a bit small and seems heavy for her length, possibly because of the huge amas? In any event, could you relate what you learned from Francois about lengthening? Thanks, John
  3. kleppar
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    kleppar Junior Member

    I opted out of this thread some time ago, but maybe it is time for an update. I did not follow up with Francois about Kanka, as I concluded this boat is a bit too small, and possibly too simple, for my purpose. I know the first hull is being built; see photos here. I seem to remember the price is about € 15,000. Of the other small trimarans (well, actually not so small) that I like is the Discovery 21. The folding mechanism is a bit daunting, and the price will be high, but in my mind this is an attractive boat. It somewhat reminds me of my own choice - the W17. This boat is now being built in Norway (whilst I am still in Beijing); see presentation of the boat here. Building photos here. And here are some photos to illustrate the comfort and flexibility of a trimaran. I shall equip the boat with a carbon rig which may be built in Poland. Should anybody be interested in a production W17, this might be a possibility at a later stage. I nearly bought an Astus 16.5, but in my mind it provides less comfort, and is much wetter, than the W17. For your interest, I am building a W17 swing arm folding type, not the hinge folding type.
    I also made a comparison of small trimarans (up till 10 m) that I have looked at; this list excludes all facing forward kayak type trimarans.
  4. 2flit
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    2flit Junior Member

    Kleppar, Did you have any discussions with the builder of the Kanka14 about a longer version? I understood you to say this about it>> "Russel, I have been in contact with the builder, and it is also possible to make a longer version."
    I'm curious about how much longer than 13 feet was this?
    Thanks, John

  5. kleppar
    Joined: Jan 2016
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    kleppar Junior Member

    This is reply from builder Nicolas Arnould ( from early September 2020:

    "The prototype of the Kanka is being built as we speak and will go to sea trials in the end of september, beginning of october. From there, after final adjustments, the boat will be open to orders. In the meantime, we are finalising the pricing of the boat and will announce it as well by the end of the month.
    Although we are concentrating our efforts on the Kanka 14, if you are looking for a bigger boat, it will be possible to ask for a longer version of the Kanka (There have been some enquiries for a 33ft version). A price offer can be established if you give me the desired specifications.
    Kits and plans will I think come later in the near future."

    Website: Nicolas Arnould Charpentier de Marine - Accueil
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