NMEA2K to sea talk w/ mixture of RayMarine,Evinrude, Moiller fuel tanks

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by the brain, Nov 8, 2024.

  1. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    Can Garmin GPS antenna work well w/ RayMarine element?

    Since this new antenna is on a NMEA2K an Seatalk backbone will different name brands function together?

    Or is Element capable of inturpting heading sensor? is it advisable to have MFD an antenna the same brand name?

    I’d like a decent GPS puck style antenna. The RayMarine RS150 seams inferior to the Garmin.

    RM antenna lacks sensor heading/mount pole an they charge extra for cabling Garmin includes all this stuff

    As would be expected

    Garmin claims provides multi-band GNSS accuracy to 1M doe's this means differnt name brands function together?
    .PLs advise on antennas bc this is the whole point of upgrading the chart plotter my internal builtin antenna was constantly losing signal an it’s alarm is very iratating.

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2024
  2. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    One of the most ridiculous new inventions is the lost signal alarm. I understand the concept and the cause for programming the alarm, but if the device gets an alarm 30% of the time, is it still an alarm? Or should it say, “””crappy antenna””” nonstop?

    My Raymarine Axiom was in consistent alarm mode and so I was able to repoint it to the Furuno MFD which has never given me a signal alarm in 2 years.

    It is interesting to me that you’ve had trouble with same brand.

    I was able to modify the settings in the Axiom.

    ps .. I also own a Raymarine Dragonfly and it is in error mode about maybe 3% of running time, usually correlation with cloudcover
  3. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    do you have a roof obstructing the satilites line of site? roof.jpg 4 years of upside down world2.jpg I think thats the reason the alarm on my Dragonfly pro5 is constantly going off.the pro5 is a nice dept finder but the alarm has ruined it for me. spot for clairon.jpg
    I believe if I mounted the pro5 outside like on my 2nd bow level pro5 would have a unobstructed line of site to satilite but would then be obstructed w/ the pilot house.plus it would be a PITA to reach though the side window to press buttons hence the upgrade to element w/ external GPS antenna/receiver on roof.

    My main concern is will the Garmin GPS X24 antenna/receiver be compatable w/ the element?most ppl off the street say yes as long as it's NMEA2K.
    I had a reponse from Garmin. here's the short of it verify w/ RayM NMEA 2000 PGN 127250 for vessel heading.

    complete message. an Garmin is qick to respond to questions.
    "Anything that is on the NMEA 2K backbone that is certified NMEA 2K, everything will communicate the PGNs across the network. All Garmin Marine devices that connect to the NMEA 2K backbone are NMEA 2K certified. We generally find that an MFD and antenna that are the same brand create a less stressful installation and makes any troubleshooting a smoother process of elimination. The NMEA 2000 PGN required for the heading sensor specifically is 127250: Vessel heading. The Multi-band GNSS is a system that uses multiple frequencies from satellites to improve positioning and accuracy. The data types supported by our GPS 24xd NMEA 2000 antenna are available here: http://ms.spr.ly/6185Wg4Xv That can be referenced alongside any other brand's accepted NMEA 2000 PGN data.

    The PGN is how NMEA 2000 data is shared. Not all PGN information can be accepted by each brand. In order to see if the heading information from the antenna can be shared with your Raymarine chartplotter, you'd need to check their manual or contact their support team to see if their device is capable of accepting the NMEA 2000 PGN 127250 for vessel heading. If it doesn't accept it, then the heading sensor would not be able to be used on their chartplotter. It is possible to mix and match brands as long as all the marine electronics are NMEA 2000 certified. All the Garmin NMEA 2000 capable devices are NMEA 2000 certified. I can't speak to any other brands, although their equipment should be NMEA 2000 certified as well. If that's something you'd like to verify, you'd need to contact the other manufacturer."

    so I'll be checking the documents on the element an waiting to hear from RayM.

    PS I just assuming the element had the ability to turn off the LOS alarm I've watched a few videos on the element an the man was enableing an dissableing a bunch of alarms. RayM surport says the element doesn't have the albility to turn off the LOS alarm here we go again dam.

    PS2 I receive the element today plan to test her out in back yard just the chart plotter I leave the transducer dissconected. I'm hopping the elements builtin antenna is stronger than the pro5 an roof won't matter. will report back.

    the element is 14.5" wide x 8.5" tall so I'll be completely be redoing the current dash. flush mount won't leave much room for the few analog gauges I intend on keeping like water presure, maybe fuel gauges/trim just depends on how much engine & tank/temp. data the element displays
  4. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    My Axiom has a light core roof and a core rooftop above the unit. The Dragonfly performs better and is mounted open to the sky, but still gives errors easily.

    I support the GPS antenna idea, but I’d not use Garmin if given and stick with Furuno.

    The Furuno MFD is a tzt3-12L I think and in the same operating environment as the Axiom. The units are side by side and the Furuno has a better fishfinder ducer; so the Ray is for charts.
  5. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I believe but could be mistaken the element is a scaled down version of Axiom but has the same operating sys.an internals basicely w/out touch screen which I perfer to not have, I like buttons that all I've ever had, I do know I don't care much for touch screen phones, plus I've gotton anti/tech just give me the basices.

    if I can find a waypoint have some gauges plott some course I'm content..

    I think I may have gotton boned to the element. it arrived in a unsealed box, no plastic flim over the screen. the place I purchased return policy is you can send back for refund if unopened well I got news for you you the seller allready opened it dam. element doe's turn on I probally keep just don't like being told it's new when in reality it's open box an legally has to be sold a a refurb. at a substantion price reduction.

    here's how I will most likely mount the element.

    BTW I'm losing confidence in RayMarine surport they said there is no way to turn off LOS alarm this is misinformation "The Element does indeed have an NMEA2000 connector. I do not know of a GPS receiver that will receive through aluminum. I would expect the need of the external GPS but a test in the yard will prove it one way or the other. The Element as a chart plotter first, can not have the GPS alarm disabled. There are no waypoints programmed in. You can export them from the Dragonfly on an Msd card and import them into the Axiom. The instructions are in the manual. The Element will display speed over ground

    here's how my initial mount will be, I plan to keep the Evinrude I/command , water preasure, an both fuel gauges untill I figure out the correct analog to NMEA digitol that the element will accept. I think this https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256...MTczMTQ1MDM3OC42MC4wLjA.&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa
    1st choice so far tilted.jpg
    1st choice so far tilted screw to rail.jpg
    proballey flush mount later
    I believe satilite fix lost is equilant to LOS well in settings there is indeed a option to turn off the alarm.I assume green is on. greyed is off.
    settings satelite fix lost alarm has option to turn off2.jpg

    the engine data gauge appears kindof primative
    analog engine gauge split screen w chart no map card.jpg

    RayM surport says that the transducer cable is 2 meters longer than the pro5 which is almost to short. so I'm hopping the tranducer cable won't require any extending.
    what furono GPS antenna do you suggest w/ the element this here appears to not be NMEA2K https://www.amazon.com/Furuno-GPA01...&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4583657821656332&th=1

    I will test the chart plotter in backyard hopefully tommowor an report back.didn't feel like setting up a battery in vessel today.
  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Call Furuno USA. They are amazing.

    Core rooftop is 3/4” of san polymer core and there are two layers of it. I also have a Furuno FM4800, but I think the signal is derived from the mfd.

    Some radios give a gps signal on nmea as well.

  7. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    I'm leaning toward the garmin gps antenna. thanks
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