Niigata 6MG (L) 20CX 800hp @ 800rpm

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by makobuilders, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. makobuilders
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    makobuilders Member

    Does anyone have any knowledge of these Japanese medium speed engines? Any opinion if 23,000 hours (assume properly maintained) would be the end-life of the engine. No engine survey has been conducted yet, but just trying to get a handle on this. Thanks.
  2. Lepke
    Joined: Sep 2015
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    Lepke Junior Member

    No recent experience, but 23,000 hours are not much for this engine. You see them in Japanese fishing boats and other Asian commercial boats of the time. Also used in ships as generator power. There are probably hundreds running around the world. Parts are available. If you can rebuild it, it's good for a long time. Used parts including complete engines are available from ship dismantlers. I know some new parts are made in China.
  3. makobuilders
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    makobuilders Member

    Thanks Lepke. My mate hasn't performed an engine survey yet, but I would assume that it was well-maintained since it was a government vessel all its life. I think only the last few years has been possibly "neglected" as privately owned.

  4. Lepke
    Joined: Sep 2015
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    Lepke Junior Member

    Over the years there's been a number of these engines come to the US in seized illegal fishing vessels. They seem to hold up well in that type of commercial use. Last time I worked on one, parts were easy to get. The dismantlers get not only the engines but all the spare parts they carry. I got new and used parts from this place in Turkey. Niigata Diesel Engines Niigata Marine Spares Niigata Marine Engines Niigata Engines Niigata Spare Parts And this company makes new parts: QHD BeiFang Marine Parts & Machinery Imp.& Exp.Co.,Ltd
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