NiCd accu

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by hermann.l, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. hermann.l
    Joined: May 2016
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    hermann.l New Member

    Does anyone use NiCd instead of lead acid or gel or agm accus ?
    And how long was/is the lifetime ?
    I use 11ps. (each 1.2v =13.2 volt) 375Ah since 1997 with no problems.
    In the time 1978 - 1997 i used lead acid 12v 180 ah twoo in
    parallel use. But every 3 or 4 jears i had to change them.
    In 1997 i got the NiCd's for 75 DM (less than 50 $ ) . Each lead
    accu cost abt. 200 ....300 DM ( 130...200 $) and i used
    5 x 2 pieces. about 2500 DM / 1600 $ . I am happy to have
    them and i saved at least 1500 $ / 1300 € .

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  2. BertKu
    Joined: May 2009
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi Hermann, Gruss Gott, I have a number of NiCad's since 1975 in use and I am still happy, although I have them already twice zeroed and kept short circuit them for 48 hours to get rid of the memory effect.
    I am still using them, although they are D type and were made by VARTA , I am using 20 of them. Not every day but regular. The D type made in Mexico is packed up a long time ago, which I bought while in America years ago. I see you are using the open type and has to be refilled at regular intervals due to vaporization. Why don't you write a nice letter to VARTA and ask them what you should do to heave them lasting for another 20 years.
  3. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    I forgot to mention. NiCad's can be recharged up to 1000 times, but that is basically deep charging. If charged without too deep discharging, it would be more, but you need to get rid of the memory effect at intervals. Bert
  4. hermann.l
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    hermann.l New Member

    Hi Bert.
    My NiCd's are built in 1989 by Varta. They have worked as a military -
    equipment ( German Submarine) ca. 10 years. After that time they were
    given out for little money. But they got new potassium hydroxide liquide.
    Sometimes i discharge them to zero and charge them by a charger
    2 volt / 75 amps. each cell to 1.85 volt. There is nearly no memory effekt.
    Discharging of 250 amphrs will drop the voltage to 1.1 volt.
    Loosing the connection will rise voltage to 1.2 ...1.25 v. Discharge of300 ah will
    drop the voltage to 1 v and 330 ah to 0.9 volt. Discharging current
    is 30 amp. via 12v/ 230 V inverter .
    Each cell is filled with a teaspoon of silicon oil to prevent
    carbonising and i need one pint of aqua destillata each year.

    The 50 years old wooden oldtimer waiting to
    jump into the water in May 2016

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  5. BertKu
    Joined: May 2009
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    BertKu Senior Member

    I don't think Varta makes the same quality batteries anymore, now they are mostly being produced in China. That is a lovely boat you are having. Bert

  6. hermann.l
    Joined: May 2016
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    hermann.l New Member

    Thanks , Bert.
    China and Lugans/Ukraine were the only manufactors.
    Lugans is desrtroyed and China's are sh.t (very bad) quality.
    But .... in the European Union NiCd accus are forbidden
    to by and use as new equipment. The old may be used
    untill their death. But i think, they will be working for the
    next 20 or more years. I will buy definitly never in my life
    new accus for my boat.
    I'll send another picture from 1966 . The Boat just builded.
    The wood ( Afrormosia ) coated in natur. Since 1975
    white colored hull.

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