Newick 8.5

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by HASYB, May 26, 2012.

  1. HASYB
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    HASYB Senior Member

    loa 8,50 m.
    boa 6.7 m.
    weight 850 kg.
    mast 11m. cord 30 cm. thickness 12,7 cm.

    Soon more!!



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  2. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    Can't wait to learn more. Is that boat a derivative of the F28 design study Dick published in MM about 20 years ago, or a completely new design?
  3. Silver Raven
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    Silver Raven Senior Member

    Gooday 'HASsie' - WOW that looks good - even better when I blow it up by 400 on amy full screen (600mm) resolution - it's a bit dark though.

    Quick - Quick - Many more pics - aaaah - come on - - PLEASE. thanks ciao, james
  4. luff tension
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    luff tension Junior Member

    Looks like it would fit nicely into the NZMYC Open 8.5m box rule, shame its 200mm too wide
  5. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Well, that's the 8.5's problem; they were warned about too restrictive a beam and short rigs - and too high a minimum weight - and screwing up the classic GBE's. Committee decisions always veer conservative ... and have to be updated later.
  6. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    It might just be the angle of the photo but it looks as though there isn't much of a cabin happening either (8.5 rule requires 1.6 metres headroom over a metre of floor). It could be modified to suit the box rule but there is probably little point with boats like the Demon 8.5 and F85 SR already designed to it. Being a Newick, it can only be cool.
  7. luckystrike
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    luckystrike Power Kraut

  8. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    HASYB, any more info or pics of your Newick tri?
  9. Samnz
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    Samnz Senior Member

    Ha I think you'd be horrified how fast the "narrow heavy underpowered" 8.5s actually are Gary... the rule hasnt ever been updated and new boats continue to be launched to it, with competitive racing on a level playing field unlike the dismal failure that is every other Multihull (non beach cat) box, one design or formula rule
  10. HASYB
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    HASYB Senior Member

    The builder went to Dick Newick and had the boat designed to and with his wishes, so its a one-off. It was designed mostly for daysailing with additional very simple accommodation for longer trips.
    To my knowledge the boat was not build, but might be inspired, to the 8.5 box rule; if it wasn't for the 6.8 meter wide bridge the builder had to cope with the boat would have been wider to my understandings.
    There are evidently a lot of similarities with other Newick's designs; recent trem's and val's, even echo's.
    The builder complemented the design with nice features like the the rudder system, endplate/park avenue boom, wingmast (carbon box with fairings), self tacking jib with boom and lots of other special details.
    2 x 4hp Mercury 4tact with remote controls in a hatch in the wing provide much more than enough power. 7-8 knts halve throttle!
    One berth in front- and one in after-compartment, two more trampoline-style seat/berth's in the open 2.2m x2.2m mid-cockpit.
    Due to circumstances he only sailed the boat once so I expect it to take some time to really get the boat to its potential. Its also my first experience with a multihull, apart from the H16 I still own but haven't sailed in a decade.
    I'll hope the boat floats again end of the month; more pictures then.


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    Last edited: Jul 11, 2012
  11. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    Thanks for that and looking forward to seeing more. It certainly has features of a number of DN's more recent designs (very similar to the Trea GT but with the full wing). I'm sure she'll be a nice boat to sail.

    About 5 years ago I sent Dick the specs for the NZ 8.5 rule and asked if he could modify an F28 concept (see pdf) he had published years ago to suit it. Dick's response was enthusiastic but the cost of what was essentially a custom design was beyond my budget at the time. I still like the look of her though :cool:

    Link to Trea GT pics

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  12. HASYB
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    HASYB Senior Member

    Thanks jamez,

    The F28 sure does look like a nice concept. Do you know if a F28 was actually build?
  13. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    It appears not. From the email I received from Dick back in 2008, "The design was never completed. I wouldn't change much today except to make the akas straight across to simplify construction. She is based on my 40' OCEAN SURFER design which placed second in class in the 1988 OSTAR".

    Most likely the nearest thing to it in his stock range would be the Val III, although elements (like the flared main hull) may surface in other designs like the Spark. I have always found the sheer diversity of his work quite fascinating.

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  14. salglesser
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    salglesser Junior Member

    Hi HASYB,

    Beautiful design. Thanx for sharing.


    You own Ocean Surfer? I have a drawing of Ocean Surfer on my office wall (also a pic of Cheers). We used Ocean Surfer for an ad we made a decade ago (in another industry). We used the boat to demonstrate "Pure Performance" along with a Lear Jet and a Cheetah. Beautiful boat.


  15. jamez
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    jamez Senior Member

    No just an admirer :)
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