Newbie question on boat design programs

Discussion in 'Software' started by Shinnosuke, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Shinnosuke
    Joined: Jul 2016
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    Shinnosuke Junior Member

    Aloha, is there a program that lets me input measurements from plans and then allows me to see horizontal cross-sections with dimensions to transfer to plywood? I'm experimenting with foam blocks and I need to see if I can transfer the horizontal measurements to plywood to carve out sections and build up the hull vertically like in Foamboats on the Instructables website here:
    This would be for a 20-24ft canoe and I'm doing model scaling now and want to use existing plans rather than make one up hence the need for horizontal dimensions. Since I've never used any program I thought to ask those who know. Mahalo for any information.
  2. Tomsboatshed
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    Tomsboatshed Junior Member


    you may want to look in the boat design directory here to see if there are any programs there which best fill your specific needs. Some software allows for the importing of offset tables, though i suspect you may have to put in some extra effort on your own to get there (I don’t know how your measurements are defined).

    You would then derive your horizontal “slices” from the waterline curves, which can be defined within the software.

    I hope you find this useful

    best of luck with your project

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  3. Shinnosuke
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    Shinnosuke Junior Member

    Thank you for the reply- yes, there are offset tables so maybe that'll work. Any suggestions as to the most user-friendly (read beginner) software?
    The extra effort might be just me plotting all the points from the tables onto paper, transferring each waterline slice to a sheet of plywood then getting a batten and seeing if it is all fair...Mahalo for the info.
  4. Tomsboatshed
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    Tomsboatshed Junior Member

    I’d have a look at Freeship or Delftship (which has a free version as well. They should provide you with what you need. I’m sure both could be set up to provide you with waterlines which will give you the horizontal slices you require.

    I find Rhino is very good ( it’s what I use), but it isn’t cheap.

    I'm sure others will have recommendations too.

    links for Freeship and Delftship can be found here in the Boat Design Directory.
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  5. Shinnosuke
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    Shinnosuke Junior Member

    Mahalo! I will download it and dive right in haha...
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  6. Tomsboatshed
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    Tomsboatshed Junior Member

    Let us know how things go - update your thread!
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  7. jehardiman
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  8. Shinnosuke
    Joined: Jul 2016
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    Shinnosuke Junior Member

    Mahalo jehardiman, I will check that out too!
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