Newbie help with choosing boat plans

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by jmicaelk, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. jmicaelk
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    jmicaelk Junior Member

    Hi everybody, glad that I found this forum :)
    Well I have been dreaming of building a boat for as long as I remember, and loved boats since I was a kid. The closest I got to building one was helping out on some 10' wood boat when pretty young. Well I think it is time to do something about that now and I am looking for a first project or stepping board for my real goal, the Slot Machine or something else if I find something more interesting as I go along.

    Well I was thinking something small like the Missile, but I really looking for something bigger like the Bandido or Cruise Missile, but maybe the Bolero is a good middle choice. From Sweden where i grew up I fell in love with a Nimo 27 Offshore boat and it's new update Nimo 30 Offshore, I attach some pic's.
    I hope I can do something similar if I go with the Cruise Missile or Bandido.

    As for learning about the different building techniques I will look more at that ones I decide what boat to build, and same for engines and all. I will be working on vacuum bagging some CF over the next few months for car parts, so I hope I will have all that sorted out when time comes.

    So please everyone, if anyone built either boat or have any other I should look at or any other suggestions, please feel free to point me in the right direction. I have been reading posts online so my eyes bleeding and head spinning, so I better look for some guidance.

    Thanks in adance
  2. boatbuilder41
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    boatbuilder41 Senior Member

    I'm not familiar with any of the plans. But your off to a good start . careful review in every way possible is the first step. Its a greater task than most would think.
  3. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    I also don't know the boats you mentioned.
    The link to Nimo did not work.

    What do you want? Monohull, multihull, trailerable or moored? How far do you want to sail. Day sail or world cruise.

    If you haven't built a boat, start small, buy good plans. Those I saw for "missile" are not good enough.

    Just to get you started, look at the Core Sound 17
    You might not like it but that would tell everyone something to start.

    Do you have tools, a place to work, and skills?
  4. jmicaelk
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    jmicaelk Junior Member

    Thanks, I will try to find better links or upload the pic's somewhere.

    The Core Sound 17 is not my cup of soup, never been sailing, if I build a boat I want to use it too. So the boat will be used on Ocean in Thailand, can be a bit rough at times, that is why 16' might be too short, maybe a extended Bolero is ok, even though the Cruise Missile would be really fun.
    Anyone that done the Bolero ?? how long does it take, I might hire some people to help out with some details, sanding, cutting, painting and what not. And did anyone extend the bolero ??

  5. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    You are talking about a power boat.

    Pictures are nice but just a link would work.

    Nothing I got for a Google search came up with a power boat.
  6. jmicaelk
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    jmicaelk Junior Member

    Lets try this Nimo 30 Nimo 27

    But as of right now I think a Glen-L Bolero is what I will go with, right size and i can play a bit with the engine, thinking twin turbo charged SCB. But I have a lot of reading up about converting auto engines for boats. Later I use 2 of those in a Glen-L Cruise Missile or go straight for the Slot Machine, and go up a bit in size :)

    I read somewhere of 300 hr build time for a Bolero, maybe 600 hrs for me then, so a nice project during rain season, should be able to have it finished mid November :) but lots more to read and learn
  7. Westfield 11
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    Westfield 11 Senior Member

    The link still is broken, but the the video works. The boat looks to be porpoising constantly for no reason in the first pass and as soon as he gave it a bit of throttle on the turnaround it began to bounce again. What's up with that?

    It looks like a sterndrive and maybe it's trimmed incorrectly causing the problem, but I would want to see film of the boat at speed, not a slow pass like you posted, but WFO and then see if it was still hopping. It could also be a CG in the wrong place due to poor design or build.
  8. jmicaelk
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    jmicaelk Junior Member

    Just posting to see the type and design of the boat, yes it had some problems with trim, but I post a new video here where it runs better. I just like the design and the closest plans to that I found is Glen-L Bandido or cruise Missile. But I think i will start with the Bolero

  9. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    that is a pretty ambitious project for a first time build, costly too. how about building a 12-14' skiff or runabout as a first time project? It will go together fast and give you needed skills. stick with a well know designer and the boat will have a good resell value so you can sell it and move on the larger 'dream boat'.

    Glen-L has a big following, and is well respected for good designs. choose one of their smaller models, when done building and playing with that, than sell it and move up to the larger models.

    You may find you do not like building a large boat because of the costs and perseverance involved, better to find that out on a smaller much less costly project.

    here is a Glen-L 12' runabout, a fun little boat;
  10. jmicaelk
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    jmicaelk Junior Member

    Thank you, well problem is that I am in Thailand, so the Glen-L followers might be few, so I can't count on selling the boat, so I want to build something i will be ok with keeping and using. 12-14' boat on the ocean is not really that much fun, not many islands inland enough. So min 16' Missile, but something around 20' is ok, but Glen-L don't have something good in the size, want inboard and not some old runabout boat in wood. So that is why i jumped up to Bolero, but if someone have something similar in looks but a bit smaller I am all ears

  11. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    you make a good point. a 16 to 20 ft boat is not too bad a size to start with. you show your location as United States.
  12. jmicaelk
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    jmicaelk Junior Member

    Sorry about that, I better change, old habit I guess :D
    Yes I hope I could find some 20' then I can try out the GM Gen III 5.3 L engines as well. But if not then I rather go up in size to the Bolero, I saw someone put about 300 hrs to finish that one, so maybe 600 hrs for me with some help. And I have a lot of time some days so can do 10+ hrs per day few days per week. To find the right wood might be the hardest part, fiberglass and Carbon fiber/Kevlar I have a lot. Need to get my hands on a used 5.3L engine here or get it shipped from USA, maybe take 2 if I can afford, or maybe just buy the blocks as most other things needs to be swapped out. But a few months to that point still, first decide what boat to build :)
  13. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    you might see what local wood might work, if you can find similar properties than no reason not to use what wood you have available. boats have been made from just about any kind of wood available, even bamboo. There are websites that list properties of various species of wood, you just need to find something close enogh that is reasonably clear and low in sap and moisture. It could save you a lot of cost over shipping lumber overseas.

  14. jmicaelk
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    jmicaelk Junior Member

    yeah that is the problem, to know exactly what I get, and rubber trees are not so straight and dry. Oh well I will have to do some trips and check wood when it is time

    Looking a bit at Renegade also from Glen-L shorter, just about 20' maybe good enough to start with and good on the ocean. Anyone been building it ??
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