newbie: basic guidance for aluminum welded riverboat specs

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by schreib, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. schreib
    Joined: Jun 2018
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    Location: Elk River, MN

    schreib New Member

    Hello Folks, I may be a bit out of my element here but know enough to get myself in trouble and seek guidance so I don't go off keel here(joke).
    I just built a home on a river and have yet to put in a dock. The Elk river in Minnesota, goes pretty shallow in rapids in summer. I would like a boat that can provide minimum draft to minimize how often I need to get out and push. Likewise, I live only 5 miles from the Mississippi here. It would be nice to have it capable of running on that too. Up here the Mississippi is pushing only a fraction of the water at St Louis and below. It's still a big river. Here are some specs I have thrown together and am wondering if you can help tweak them:
    16 ft alum boat with zero to 1° dead rise at transom, likely 0.125" thick, maybe 3/16" to handle rock hits etc., plan for jack plate for raising motor at rapids etc, not sure of dead rise angles for bulkhead at the bow, and the bow stem, low profile like a technical skiff or flats boat and maybe even a raised platform on front for bowfishing. 5 ft width at this point. Looking for lightweight and planning on only a 15HP motor based on what neighbors are talking about. They also recommend a 14 ft for Elk River without consideration for the big one. Another good thing to help me would be recommendations for existing river boat OEM's that already address my issues and I can just buy what I need, however, I have a line on a low volume boat builder(not necessarily designer) in Illinois who could build to my specs and I am ready to do it but don't trust them to design. I want to provide the specs. Probably will ask them to weld to my specs also: TIG maybe instead of MIG for smooth welds.
    I appreciate your input!
  2. messabout
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    messabout Senior Member

    Check out the Glen-L web site. They have proven designs that will satisfy your needs within reason. They also have a reputation for being most cooperative and helpful.
  3. schreib
    Joined: Jun 2018
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    Location: Elk River, MN

    schreib New Member

    thanks They have at least one that is close.
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