newbe 18'trailerable cat

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by eric raguckis, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. eric raguckis
    Joined: Jan 2011
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    eric raguckis Junior Member

    newbe here
    just got plan's for a k-design's eco catamaran. Has anyone out there built one of these and if so can you give me any advice I am a fininsh carpender by trade:) Have good skills not boat building but will learn very fast reading a lot thank's eric
    ps. just got 8 meter tape in mail all plans are thanks
  2. dstgean
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    dstgean Senior Member

    I thought I saw pics of one up in the Seattle area...

  3. eric raguckis
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    eric raguckis Junior Member

    eric raguckis

    Thanks, for the comment any idea's about a sailing dingy something plywood and fiberglass for practice
  4. wheels
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    wheels Junior Member

    If you're just looking for the simplest design you can to get some practice taping seams try the puddle duck <-- klik here
  5. eric raguckis
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    eric raguckis Junior Member

    that is a great idea, but i came up with a gery dierking tamanu, it can carry 2 people and a dog, that is the stipulation my wife had, i build stuff for other people all the time and she wants something built for us. thanks for the idea. as it is built i will post pictures if people would like. i was thinking of painting the outside w/ Hawaiian designs my brother is a very good artist and doing the inside bright finished with some inlay
  6. dstgean
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    dstgean Senior Member

  7. eric raguckis
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    eric raguckis Junior Member

    this boat look's awesome, is this 2 hull's put together by a gary dierking design or something else. i have been looking at his boats and they look like something i would like to build for a first boat, i think i was getting to excited with my first build and trying to do something to big without enough experience. but his plywood boats look like something more realistic to build in supplies and time and if i mess up a lot less money for a fist boat. and i like the fact that i can take it on lake michigan with good weather of course. thank for you input eric raguckis
  8. rayaldridge
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    rayaldridge Senior Member

    Eric, I think Gary Dierking is a really smart designer, and one of only a few who are drawing small simple multis, simple to build, but with very good performance. I recommend his book highly. I don't think you could go wrong with one of his designs for a first boat.
  9. eric raguckis
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    eric raguckis Junior Member

    thanks for your response, your boat was a close second. i like the idea that i can build one side with a outrigger and build the other half at a later date to make a catamaran. pretty cool. thanks again eric raguckis

  10. eric raguckis
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    eric raguckis Junior Member

    . ps. i can't wait to see when you come up with a sleeper cat!
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