New Zealand's AC 72 Loss demands more Accountability and Dalton & Barker loss stats

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by oceancruiser, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Cav, there are some very good Kiwi brews - but I'm a bit of a snob after being introduced to Belgian beers from Trappist monks by my sailing mate Jacques ... so I'm sure you can try them out in your fair land too ... without touring here ... that is, if you really want to achieve my benevolent viewpoint.
  2. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Right, I'll hoist one away! The downside is I'm already a monk between redoing the Nicol as a busy single dad and my schedule. Maybe the advanced libations will help....I'll be less inhibited about describing the work in progress as a finished yacht to the ladies. I'll practice my cup routine.

    "the Yanks conspired with the Kiwis! "
  3. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Gary doesn't have to prove it because it's a quote, not his own words. And I doubt he believes it. He put it out as an entertaining provocation, specifically to get outraged reactions like yours. ;)
  4. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    I'm bottling my version of a Belgian ale this weekend, but I wouldn't want to go up against Trappist monks in a competition...
  5. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    I need the help of a higher power to afford that stuff. Maybe if I meditate really hard my plonk will elevate its state of being. I'll chant my mantra, "this crap is fantastic and wasn't in the on sale bin" Repeat while consuming until it tastes fine.
  6. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Troy and Cav, couple of high class blokes with impeccable taste. Cheers.
  7. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Website. Computer warning websites wants to run "ACRO.dil

    and to allow it to control, have to disable safe computer mode protection to view. Risky.

  8. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Yes he does, HE didn't name the source and his name is on the post. Legal point on view.

  9. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Gary, here's one for you guys to explore over your pints of reflection, mate. I have an unimpeachable source. I've consulted my Tommy Lipton Sailing Sportsman Tea Leaves and what came up is something we all should have thought of......Ellison used his contacts in the NSA to hack into all the Kiwi correspondence and phone calls within their camp and to the designers. The smoking gun, the inside track, the dirty lowdown. Using this data Oracle was able to get the scoop and maximize their poop. The whole world knows we have this information, over here we don't need to back up our hard drives, we just send in a request form to the NSA. Larry has friends....who needs to say more..... Eddie S. just sent me an email mentioning there was room in the Russian Black Sea sailing club for me and the Nicol if I can make it that far. Hell, I always liked Gulf Streamer....
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  10. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    You sure that from imbibing bad booze, Cav, (and not Chimay) that it wasn't a crowd of tea party-ists threatening you from the bottom of your cup?
    Agreed, Ellison is close buddies with that scheming NSA lot; I remember that news photograph of him, along with Obama, Google, Facebook and other *******, all holding their glasses high to celebrate collaboration.
    No, no tin hat, no paranoia.
    But they definitely listened to Grant and Deano's cell phones.
    The cheating slime.
    Tout le monde KNOWS this.
    So you're off to Russia to swap yer beloved Nicol for a red Newick.
    "They" will be watching you, mate.
    And probably reading this anarchic correspondence too. Whoops.
  11. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    No, I'm keeping the Nicol, the comrades wanted another tri in the club and figured I needed to escape.....Couldn't have been booze in the cup, I pretty much run on water rations as the homestead first responder. Might have been a contact high from this neighborhood..... the tea leaves work better when I play gypsy music on my violin.

    In the states we get so used to surveillance we send cards to our followers. I give my team travel plans and try to plan a fun itinerary so everyone has a good time. On the water they had to switch to power boats to keep up with the Vagabond, I'll keep luring them on with my other mantra. "Truth is stranger than fishing."
  12. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    He didn't endorse it, or claim it's true. Therefore, he's under no obligation to prove it is... let's not get silly here. :rolleyes:
  13. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    No rush, but sooner or later I'll steal that for a signature. :D
  14. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    Oceancruiser, the damaging quote was emailed to me by a Kiwi sailing friend of a friend (who also, like many, smells a rat in Oracle behaviour) - and also he knew it would stir me a little (for differing and opposite reasons that it stirred defecation with you - which, of course, is the reason I posted) ... so I couldn't name the poster - but thank you Google (even though you're cohorts with spying/eves dropping NSA) the search produced the original, here in full, from a Wooden Boat thread; you can check the poster's name yourself if you want:

    "Subject: Americas Cup Farce!!!!!!!!!!! ORACLE.

    Good old Ellison and Coutts, win at all costs…………………

    The Racing Rules on the matter are very clear. "RRS42 Propulsion states: A yacht shall compete only by using the wind and water to increase, maintain or decrease her speed. Her crew may adjust the trim of the wing, sails, rudders, daggerboards and hulls, and perform other acts of seamanship."

    The vital words are at the opening of the second sentence 'her crew' - meaning that an automated adjustment which works independently of crew intervention is illegal.

    The SAS installed onto the Oracle boat after they played their postponement card was independent of the crew, which makes it illegal..

    Disgruntled members of the Oracle team are blowing the whistle on this. They are saying that their boat just wasn't good enough to match Team New Zealand so they had to play their postponement card so that they could install the SAS half way through the regatta. They are also saying that the SAS was so good that they didn’t run it at full pace because it would have made it too obvious, and instead they slowly increased their speed and called it improvements in their skills and learnings about the boat, neither of which were true.
    They are also saying that the speed they sailed at in the last race wasn’t at the top of the range of the SAS, and that they couldn't switch it on to full speed because to win by too great a margin would have been too risky, ie it would have been too obvious.

    Unfortunately for Oracle, all of their dirty laundry is coming out.
    Unfortunately for Team New Zealand, it is all coming out too late."

  15. Grey Ghost
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    Grey Ghost Senior Member

    Because the crew controlled it, it was not illegal. Your info is coming from fans making up their information as they go IMHO.
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