New updates

Discussion in 'Software' started by Remmlinger, Sep 13, 2024.

  1. Remmlinger
    Joined: Jan 2011
    Posts: 319
    Likes: 58, Points: 28, Legacy Rep: 172
    Location: Germany

    Remmlinger engineer

    I have published new updates for my program UliSail:
    3D Sail aerodynamics with UliSail
    and also for my VPP UliSpeed:
    Velocity Prediction Program (VPP) UliSpeed
    Both programs provide script-files to create 3D-surfaces of the sails in CAD with just a few mouse clicks.
    In addition, UliSpeed now calculates the resulting yaw-moment and predicts the rudder angle that is required to balance the boat. UliSpeed is the only VPP that calculates the forces and moments for all 6 degrees of freedom.

    09/15 I corrected an error, UliSail_3.5 is now the latest version
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2024
  2. Remmlinger
    Joined: Jan 2011
    Posts: 319
    Likes: 58, Points: 28, Legacy Rep: 172
    Location: Germany

    Remmlinger engineer

    Since I keep getting requests from RC-model builders, I developed the update UliSpeed_2.10 that can also predict the speed of model sailboats. An example of an IOM-class boat is contained in the downloads.
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