New to forum, quick question about a small design!

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by darktide, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. darktide
    Joined: Feb 2014
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    darktide New Member

    Hello, lucky to have arrived at such a knowledgeable place. I am interested in building my own boat for the first time. I plan to keep it small mostly because of space when building the boat. I have just started digging through threads, and while I have been searching boat plans for a few months, nothing really had everything I wanted.

    If someone can help me with just a little info, it would certainly go a long way with my decisions. I came across this boat awhile back (pic from a form member here)

    It really intrigues me. I am looking to build a boat, that can be dragged with a dolly into my truck, so I want to keep it around 12ft max. It will be used to fish skinny water in south Florida flats, and will be pushed by a 5HP 2stroke and or a 55# troller, or be able to pole it/paddle it. Paddling not so much, and im not asking for a technical poling skiff. I would like to be able to have 2 people on it sometimes, and not feel like a 1inch wake will swallow it. The picture above looks similar to what I would like, just maybe wider out the stern, and I plan to use air sacs/foam for some floatation.

    Any ideas or plans/builds that seem to meet those? Also, I wanted to use foam instead of wood maybe aside from the transom. I wanted to see if anyone has made something similar, or if someone can throw me in a direction to check other styles out. I wanted to grab some software to perhaps just make it myself and use info here on what would be the best way about going through the motions.

    Anyways, thanks and I look forward to hearing from you all.
  2. hoytedow
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  3. darktide
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    darktide New Member

    Thanks houteydo! That is actually one of the few I really liked. Just a follow up question, if I did go with it, I am a stickler for extra floatations. How hard and how much extra weight is it do add floatation? What are some good softwares or free demos to play around with? That is a very nice model though. Adding floatation or some custom parts to that seems very worthwhile.
  4. hoytedow
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  5. darktide
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    darktide New Member

    Also was looking at the Tango 12 skiff model.

    Is there anything out there with plans that are similar to the Pelican Ambush? Self bailing and all? Perhaps using a SUP plan and fill with foam?

  6. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

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