New to boating, own build, few questions.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Steve M, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Steve M
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    Steve M New Member

    Hi all, have been wanting to build my own boat for a good few years now, I finally have time to do so.

    I want to start small, currently looking at Glen L designs and plans that are for sale on their site.

    Looking to make either a 12ft or 13ft outboard boat, at 25-40hp. Not with a sail.

    Have plenty of woodworking knowledge, so I think I'll be able to manage the building part.

    My main concern is after the boat is built, what then?

    1) Will the boat need some sort of registration? Insurance? Tax? If so at a rough estimate how much will all this be? Will be using a 25-40hp outboard size will be dependant on which boat I choose to build.

    2) Will a 12ft or 13ft boat be big enough to handle waves out at sea?

    3) Am I able to travel about in it wherever I want, or are there certain zones or distances that is out of bounds? I live next to a dock where stenna and Irish ferries sail out of, so does it matter if I'm out and about next to them?

    I know these questions might sound ridiculous to some of you but I'm completely new to this.

    Thanks for any feedback.
  2. Steve M
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    Steve M New Member

    Bump, is this in the relevant thread?
  3. cluttonfred
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    cluttonfred Senior Member

    Hi, Steve. Keep in mind that members in this forum are scattered around the world so it may take some time to get some replies.

    Your questions about registration, insurance, licenses and training are best addressed to your local authorities, marina or yacht club. Since it sounds like you have very little boating experience, some sort of class would be in order, perhaps these:

    25-40 hp in 12' or 13' boat would be a waterborne hot rod, perhaps not exactly what a beginning boater would start with. If I were you I would look at somewhat larger boats and the lower end of your power range, say 15'-18' and 15-25 hp. Off the top of my head, here are a couple of good boats for beginners in this range, since it sounds like you are looking for a small outboard capable of handling a little rough water.

    Welsford Trover

    Bolger Diablo
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    The technical aspects (as mentioned) of boat ownership is area specific. Simply put, every place is different so head down to the local tax collector and ask them or check out one of the many online outfits that gather up this sort of information. I'd just down to the local marina and ask around, myself.

    I'm not sure if there's a Power Squadron in your area, but if so, take the (free) "Small Boat Handling" course. You'll learn about the rues of the road, how to operate the puppy safely and all the other stuff you might need to know.
  5. nzboy
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    nzboy Senior Member

    Sherwood Queen would be a nice practical boat for your area not too big and could handle a few waves dsn-sqnc.jpg
  6. Tiny Turnip
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    Tiny Turnip Senior Member

    Hi Steve

    Some things to consider (by no means an exhaustive list); hope its helpful.

    for inland (rivers and canals) use, the waterways are governed by the rivers and canals trust (British waterways as was) and I'd start at their web page here:

    Lakes all tend to have their own rules - huge variations in the levels of governance just in the English Lakes,for example. I'm less familiar with the Welsh lakes.

    Sea is pretty much a free for all, with certain exceptions, including commercial fishing in national limits, but that doesn't sound like an issue for you. You can generally launch and recover anywhere 'natural', but there may be fees if to get to the sea you have to cross private land - just local owners making money. There is likely to be a charge for slip launching. You pay harbour dues in harbours if you moor up, but anchoring anywhere is a free for all. Anchoring is potentially a big, complex subject.

    This website, boat launch uk, is a very helpful directory.

    Keep out of the way of: sailing vessels if you are motoring; large vessels that will find it difficult to manouevre; vessels earning a living or performing a public service if you are engaged in a leisure activity; fish farms; races; dangers (of which there are many, of course!) From what you've said, sounds like you're at Holyhead, and I'd keep well out of the way of the ferries.

    A boat handling and safety course, as PAR suggests, would be a very good idea

    Insurance would be very sensibile, and is required for some areas, particularly in land.

    Suitability of your boat for conditions/where you are sailing/ skill level is another big subject, and should be considered carefully.

    I'm not aware of any taxes, either for sea or inland use, but as I said, there may be dues for launching.

    There's a lot to consider with trailer design, manufacture, and legislation.

  7. SukiSolo
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    SukiSolo Senior Member

    Hi Steve, welcome to the Forum.

    As far as I am aware there are no specific regulations applying to one off home build boats if they are not used for commercial purposes. So you would be free to build a proven design or have a go oneself, although in the latter case get a lot of experience to guide you!.

    I'd second PAR and Tiny Turnip in getting a bit of a feel for it. Maybe do a Level 2 RYA Powerboat course. You may be able to get some free experience by asking if you can help in the safety boat at a local Sailing Club. South Canarvonshire is based at Abersoch and very busy in the summer. There is Llandudno and a club on Angelsey too.

    Some harbour Authorities do level an annual charge so you need to be aware of that, any local marina or even the council should point you in the right direction.
    I would definitely take out 3rd party insurance at a minimum. Most of us small boat sailors have 3rd party insurance to £2-3m + and it is not very expensive.

    Most likely in Holyhead you can use the ferry lanes but you will be obliged to keep clear at all times, unless effecting a life saving rescue. So yes, you need a reasonably sea kindly craft and probably around 15 - 20 Hp possibly 25, depending on craft. I am familiar with the tides in that part of the world and you do need a bit of power at times. It is however very hull design dependent so hard to make a judgement call at distance.

    I suspect you need to define you requirements a little more tightly to narrow down your options. Good luck with it.

    Not sure we have a 'Power Squadron' type thing in the UK, seems most people learn by their mistakes unless guided. Unfortunately last years Padstow incident was a terrible thing but very very rare. Hence my suggestion of the Level 2 course - it is mandatory at my sailing Club for all safety boat drivers. It will give you a lot of the real basics and keep safety and seamanship at the top of your mind without spoiling the fun element.
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